Misunderstanding Computers

Why do we insist on seeing the computer as a magic box for controlling other people?
Why do we want so much to control others when we won't control ourselves?

Computer memory is just fancy paper, CPUs are just fancy pens with fancy erasers, and the network is just a fancy backyard fence.
コンピュータの記憶というものはただ改良した紙ですし、CPU 何て特長ある筆に特殊の消しゴムがついたものにすぎないし、ネットワークそのものは裏庭の塀が少し拡大されたものぐらいです。

(original post/元の投稿 -- defining computers site/コンピュータを定義しようのサイト)

Saturday, November 12, 2022

8080 Assembly Language Crib Sheet

The 8080 is messy. I have a fairly easy time remembering the 680X assembly languages. I don't have nearly as easy a time remembering the 8080 operators, allowed operands, flags, etc. 

So I'm putting up a crib sheet, mostly for myself:

8080 Registers (8 & 16 bit)
Temporary Registers B C
Temporary Registers D E
Index High/Low
Stack Pointer SP
Program Counter PC

(Need to add some better short-short summary stuff here when I figure out how to organize it.)

R byte operands --
registers B,C,D,E,H,L,A
memory M pointed to by HL

Condition code flags (Program Status Word==PSW), in order --
Sign, Zero, (0), Auxilliary Carry, (0), Parity, (1), Carry

RP 16-bit operands --
subset of register pairs B:C, D:E, H:L, SP, PSW:A

index operands
M (H:L pair)
X:B (B:C pair), D (D:E pair)

set origin (assembly address) to absolute address D

define invariant value of label/symbol

set value of label/symbol
SET labels may be redefined.


define a label and allocate and store byte or word value V there

define a label and only reserve space of size SZ

set/complement carry

byte increment/decrement R/M

CMA {}
complement A

decimal adjust A


MOV Rdest,Rsrc {}
move byte data R/M
But MOV M,M is not valid.
Other than disallowed M, to self is effective NOP.

MVI R,I {}
move 8-bit immediate data from instruction stream to R/M

load/store (move) 8-bit data at direct (absolute) 16-bit address D to A
or 8-bit data in A to direct (absolute) 16-bit address D

load/store (move) A indexed by B:C or D:E

load/store (move) 16-bit data at direct (absolute) 16-bit address D to H:L
or 16-bit data in H:L to direct (absolute) 16-bit address D

move 16-bit immediate data from instruction stream to RP
Destination can be B (B:C), D (D:E), H (H:L) or SP.

add without or with carry R/M to A
ADD A is effectively shift left, but note flags.

add without or with carry immediate date to A

subtract/compare without or with borrow R/M from A
SUB A clears A and sets the flags accordingly.
Sense of C flag in compare inverted if operand signs differ.

subtract/compare without or with borrow immediate data from A
Sense of C flag in compare inverted if operand signs differ.

bit-and R/M into A
Carry is always cleared.

bit-and immediate data from instruction stream into A
Carry is always cleared.

bit exclusive-or R/M into A
Carry is always cleared.

bit exclusive-or data from instruction stream into A
Carry is always cleared.

bit-or R/M into A
Carry is always cleared.

bit-or data from instruction stream into A
Carry is always cleared.

8-bit left/right rotate with carry R/M

9-bit left/right rotate through carry R/M

PUSH/POP RP {},{all}
push/pop register pairs:
B (B:C), D (D:E), H (H:L), PSW (flags:A)
Condition codes only affected by POP PSW/A.

16-bit add of register pair into H:L,
RP can be B:C, D:E, H:L, SP
DAD H is shift left with carry.

increment/decrement register pair
RP can be B:C, D:E, H:L, SP

16-bit exchange D:E with H:L

16-bit exhange of top of stack with H:L

16-bit move H:L to SP

move H:L to PC
This is the 8080's indexed jump.

JMP D {}
jump uncoditionally to direct (absolute) 16-bit address

jump if C (carry) set/clear to direct (absolute) 16-bit address
(Carry/No Carry)

jump if Z (zero) set/clear to direct (absolute) 16-bit address
(Zero/Not Zero)
Effectively equal/not equal after a subtract or compare.

JM/JP D {}
jump if S (sign) set/clear to direct (absolute) 16-bit address

jump if P (parity) set/clear to direct (absolute) 16-bit address

call unconditionally to direct (absolute) 16-bit address
Push address of next instruction on stack and jump.

Conditional calls, same conditions as conditional JMPs.

RET {}
return unconditionally to address saved on stack
Pop top of stack into PC.

Conditionally return to address saved on stack,
same conditions as conditional JMPs.

RST N {}
save address of next instruction on stack and jump to address N times 8
N is 0 through 7, yielding address from 0 to 56 on 8-byte boundaries.
Effects a software version of a numbered interrupt.
Use ordinary RET or conditional return to return.
Interrupt routine must explicitly save state of all registers used.

DI/EI {}
disable/enable interrupts
Clears/sets the INTE interrupt enable flip-flop.

load A from/store A to 8-bit port number P
P is an address in port space between 0 and 256.

Okay, I think I got the HTML right on that without losing any of the entries.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Security Misfeature Report for Google GMail

Had another little unpleasant surprise from Google today.

I wonder, how many would agree with me that this is a misfeature and reflects poorly on Google's changing attitudes towards privacy and security?

Here it is:

If you can't see the message, it says

It seems like you forgot to attach a file.

You wrote "is attached" in your message, but there are no files attached. Send anyway?

Cancel   OK

Seems convenient, doesn't it?

Let's think about this.

In case you missed it, here's what Gmail's deep inspection keyed on:

The sign is attached to the desk.

What do you think? Is Google going too far with this?

Sunday, July 3, 2022

A Critique of Motorola's 68XX and 680XX CPUs

I want to note at the top here, that this is not about which company's CPU was better. This is not about comparing CPUs at all.

And this is not disparaging Motorola. Motorola did a pretty decent job of designing each of their CPUs, especially when considering that they were not just pioneering microprocessor design. Engineers with experience designing CPUs were basically all already employed, mostly by other companies. (And many of those CPU engineers didn't really understand CPUs all that well, after all.) Motorola was also pioneering the design of CPUs in general.

The engineers at Motorola did a good job. But nobody's perfect. 

Taking these in the order that Motorola produced them:

6800 Niggles:

(1) It's not hard to guess that the improper optimization of the CPX (compare X index register) instruction was an attempt to be too clever, a bad case of penny-pinching and setting arbitrary deadlines, an oversight, or any and all of the foregoing. But, as a result, the branches implementing signed and unsigned comparisons just don't do what they would be expected to do after CPX.

  • C (Carry) is simply not affected by CPX on the 6800 (and 6802), so the branches implementing unsigned compare, BCC, BCS, BHI, and BLS just won't work after CPX. 
  • V (oVerflow) is the result from comparing the most-significant byte only, so the branches implementing signed comparison, BGE, BGT, BLE, and BLT fail in hard-to-predict ways after CPX. 
  • N (Negative) is also the result from comparing the most-significant byte only. It may not seem that this is a problem for BPL (branch if plus) and BMI (branch if minus), but the programmers' manual says neither N nor V are intended for conditional branching. It seems to me that the N flag will actually be set correctly after the CPX, giving the sign of the result of the thrown-away subtraction of the argument address from the address in X. But using BPL and BMI in ordered comparison is just going to be a bit fiddly, no matter what. You probably just won't get what you thought you wanted if you use BPL or BMI after CPX.

Z (Zero) is the result of all 15 bits of the result of the compare, so BEQ (branch if equal) and BNE (branch if not equal) after a CPX work as expected.

In the abstract sense, pointers were thought at the time to be necessarily unordered, so it sort of didn't seem to matter. Ideally, you wouldn't be comparing addresses for order. But real algorithms often do want to give pointers order, and that meant that, on the 6800, you would have to use a sequence of instructions to cover all the cases in ordered comparison, because you couldn't rely on CPX alone.

This mis-feature was preemptively prevented in the designs of the 68000 and the 6809, and was fixed, pretty much without issue, in the 6801. In the 6805, it's prevented by making the X register an 8-bit register anyway, more on that below.

(2) Addressing temporary variables and parameters on a stack required using X, and if you had something you needed in X, you had to save X somewhere safe -- which meant on a stack if you wanted your code to be re-entrant. But the 6800 had no instructions to directly push or pop X. That left you with a conundrum. You had to save X to use X to save X. 

So you had to use a statically allocated temporary variable. Statically allocated temporaries tend to introduce race conditions even in single-processor designs, because you really don't want to take the time to block interrupts just to use the temporaries, especially for something like adjusting a stack pointer.

You can potentially work around the race conditions in some cases by having your interrupt-time stack pointers separate from your non-interrupt-time stack pointers, but that can also get pretty tricky pretty quickly.

The 6801 provides push (PSHX) and pop (PULX) instructions for X.

Stack-addressable temporary variables and parameters were supported by definition in the 68000 and 6809 designs, but not on the 6801. They were considered out of scope on the 6805, but were addressed on descendants of the 6805.

(3) This niggle is somewhat controversial, but using a single stack that combines return addresses and parameters and temporary variables is a fiddly solution that has become widely accepted as the standard. Even though it is accepted, and learning how to set up a a stack frame is something of a rite-of-passage, setting up stack frames to keep the regions on stack straight consumes cycles, even when it can be done without inducing race conditions (see the above niggle about using X to address the stack.)

Separating parameters and temporaries from return addresses is supported by design on the 68000 and 6809, but not on the 6801 or 6805.

(4) The lack of direct-page mode op-codes for the unary operators was, in my opinion, a serious strategic miss. Sure, you could address variables in the direct page with extended mode addressing, but it cost extra cycles, and it just felt funny. 

To explain, the binary instructions (loads, stores, two-operand arithmetic and logic) all have a direct-page mode. This allows saving a byte and a cycle when working on variables in the direct page (called zero page on other processors -- addresses from 0 to 255). 

The unary instructions (increment/decrement, shifts, complements, etc.) do not. The irony is that the unary instructions are the ones you use on memory when you don't want to waste time and accumulators loading and storing a result.

This may have been another attempt to save transistors by not implementing every possible op-code. But a careful re-examination of the op-code table layout map indicates that it should have been possible without using significantly more transistors. In fact, I'm guessing it actually required more transistors to do it the way they ended up doing it. 

Or it may have been an attempt to avoid running into the situation where they would need an op-code for something important but had already used all of the available codes in a particular area of the map. But, again, re-examining the op-code map would have revealed room to fit the op-codes in. 

Maybe there just wasn't enough time to re-examine and reconsider the omissions before the scheduled deadlines, and they thought absolute/extended addressing should be good enough. 

I'll come back to the reasons it really wasn't further down.

This one was also fixed in the designs of the 68000, and 6809, and sort-of in the 6805, but not addressed or fixed in the 6801.

Fixing it in the 6801 would have been awkward after-the-fact tack-on, but I'll look at that below. 

(5) The 6800 had a few instructions for inter-accumulator math -- ABA (add B to A), SBA (subtract B from A), and CBA (compare B with A, which is SBA but without storing the result). 

But it's missing the logical instructions AND, OR, and EOR (Exclusive-OR) of B into A, and doesn't have any instructions at all going the other direction, A into B. 

Surprisingly, this is not hard to work around in most cases, but the workarounds are case-by-case tricks with the condition codes. Otherwise, you're back to using statically allocated temporaries, and care must be taken to avoid potential race conditions by such things as using the same temporaries during interrupt processing.

This is fixed in the design of the 68000, and eliminated from the scope of the 6805, effectively fixed in the 6809 (by the addition of stack-relative addressing for temporaries), and partially addressed in the 6801 (by adding 16-bit math, the most common place where it becomes a problem, more below).

(6) The 6800 has no native 16-bit math other than incrementing, decrementing, and comparing X, and incrementing and decrementing S. Synthesizing 16-bit math is straightforward, but -- especially without the inter-accumulator logical operators -- it does require temporary variables, requiring extra processor cycles and potentially inducing race conditions.

Also, you usually need one or more extra test cases to cover partial results in one or the other byte, or the use of a logical instruction to collect the results, and  it's easy to forget or just fail to complete the math, per the problem with CPX.

And you need 16-bit arithmetic to deal with 16-bit addresses.

This is solved on the 6809 and 6801 by adding 16-bit addition and subtraction. On the 68000, the problem becomes 32-bit math, and it's solved for addition and subtraction, but, oddly, not quite completely for multiplication and division, more below.

(7) To explain this last niggle, of the above niggles, (1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) can be solved in the software application/operating system design by appropriate declaration of global pseudo-register variables, and globally accessible routines to handle the missing functionality, exercising care to separate variables and code for interrupt-time functions from those for non-interrupt-time functions. (These global routines and variables are a core feature of most 8-bit operating systems.)

For example, if your system design declares and systematically uses something like the following:

  ORG $80 ; non-interrupt time global pseudo-registers
PSTK RMB 2 ; two bytes for parameter stack pointer
QTMP RMB 2 ; temporary for high bytes of 32-bit quadruple accumulator
DTMP RMB 2 ;  temporary for 16-bit double accumulator
XTMP RMB 2 ; temporary for index math and copy source pointer
YTMP RMB 2 ; temporary for index math and copy destination pointer

  ORG $90 ; interrupt time global pseudo-registers
IPSTK RMB 2 ; two bytes for parameter stack pointer
IQTMP RMB 2 ; temporary for high bytes of 32-bit quadruple accumulator
IDTMP RMB 2 ;  temporary for 16-bit double accumulator
IXTMP RMB 2 ; temporary for index math and copy source pointer
IYTMP RMB 2 ; temporary for index math and copy destination pointer

... and  if all the processes running on your system respect those global variable declarations, then you may at least have a way to avoid the race conditions.

But that chews a piece out of the memory map for user applications. 

Now, if the unary operators all had direct-page mode versions, see niggle (4) above, the processor could also define a direct-page address space function code, along several other such function codes, allowing the system designer to optionally include hardware to separate the direct-page system resources from other resources in the address map, such as general data, stack, code, interrupt vectors, etc.

Two or three extra address lines could be provided as optional address function codes, to allow hardware to separate the spaces out.

This looks kind of like the I/O instructions on the 8080 and 8086 families, but it isn't separate instructions, it's separate address maps.

An example two-bit function code might be

  • 00: general (extended/absolute) data and I/O
  • 01: direct-page data and I/O
  • 10: code/interrupt vectors
  • 11: return address stack
Such extra address function signals can improve the utilization of the cramped 64 kilobyte address space, even though they would require increasing the number of pins on the processor package or multiplexing the functions onto some other signals, raising the effective count of external parts. 

But they provide a place for such things as bank-switch hardware, in addition to general I/O and system globals and temporaries, without having to eat holes in general address space. And completely separating the return pointer stack from general data greatly increases the security of the system.

I'm not sure if Motorola ever did so in any of their evolved microcontrollers, but this could also potentially allow optimizing access to direct-page pseudo-registers when direct-page RAM is provided on-chip in integrated system-on-a-chip devices like the 6801 and 6805 SOC packages.

The 68000 provides similar address function codes, but the address space on the 68000 is so much bigger than 64 kilobytes that the address function codes have been largely ignored.

Before Motorola began designing new microprocessors, such niggles in the 6800 were noticed and discussed in engineering and management within Motorola. The company decided to analyze code they had available, including internally developed code and code customers shared with them for the purpose of the analysis, looking for bottlenecks and inefficient sequences that an improved processor design could help avoid. The results of this code analysis motivated the design of the 68000 and the 6809. 

The 68000 and the 6809 were designed concurrently, by different groups within Motorola.


68000 Niggles:

The 68000 significantly increases the number of both accumulators (data registers) and index registers, and directly supports common address math in the instruction set. It also widens address and data registers to 32 bits. They solved a lot of problems, but they left a few niggles.

(1) The processor was excessively complex. Having a lot of registers reduced the need for complex instructions and for instructions that operated directly on memory without going through registers, but the 68000 did complex instructions and instructions that operated directly on memory, as well. 

IBM was just beginning work on the 801 (followup to the ROMP) at the time, and reduced instruction sets were still not a common topic, so the assumption of complexity can be understood.

Still, the complexity required a lot of work to test and properly qualify products for production. 

(2) They got the stack frame for memory management exceptions wrong. That is, memory management hardware turned out to work significantly better using the approach they did not initially choose to support, so the frames they had defined did not contain enough information to recover using the preferred memory management techniques. This was fixed in the 68010.

(3) The exception vector space being global made it difficult to fully separate the user program space from the system program space. This was also fixed in the 68010.

(4) Constant offsets for the indexed modes were limited to 16 bits. This seems to be another false optimization -- not fatal because they included variable (register) offsets in the addressing modes, so you could load a 32-bit offset into a data register to get what you wanted. But it still had a cost in cycle counts and register usage. This was not fixed until the 68020, and then they went overboard, making the addressing even more complex, which made the 68020 even harder to test.

(5) They added hardware multiplication and division to the 68000, but they didn't fully support 32 bit multiply and divide. This also was not fixed until the 68020. This can make such things as accessing really large data structures in memory suddenly become slow, when the index to the data structure exceeds 32,767.

Of the above, (4), and (5) could conceivably have been dealt with in the initial design, if management had not been pushing engineering to find corners to cut. The first three were problems that simply required experience to get right.

6809 Niggles:

The 6809 does not increase the number of accumulators, but it does add instructions that combine the two 8-bit accumulators, A and B, into a single 16-bit accumulator D for basic math -- addition, subtraction, load, and store. 

On the other hand, it does increase the number of indexable registers to six, and it adds a whole class of address math that can be incorporated into the addressing portion of the instructions themselves, or can be calculated independently of other instructions. 

It supports using two of the index registers as stack pointers, and thus supports stack addressing, so that race conditions can generally be completely avoided by using temporary variables on stack. (In comparison, the 68000 can use any of the 8 address registers visible to the programmer as stack pointers.)

One of the stack-pointer capable registers can be used as a frame pointer, making stack frames less of a bottleneck. Or it can be used as a separate parameter stack pointer, pretty much eliminating the bottleneck and improving security. (In comparison, the 68000 includes an instruction to generate a stack frame, which, of course, you don't need when you use properly split stacks. It also includes an entirely superfluous instruction to destroy a stack frame.)

One of the index-capable registers is the PC, which simplifies such things as mixing tables of constants in the code. (This is also supported on the 68000, making a ninth index-capable register for the 68000.)

One of the index registers (DP, for direct page) is a funky 8-bit high-byte partial index for the direct page modes it inherits from the 6800. (This is not done on the 68000, but any of the 68000's address registers can be used in a similar way, with short constant offsets for compact code and reduced cycle counts.)

All unary instructions have a direct page mode op-code, which saves byte count if not cycle count.

(1) As a minor niggle, I can't tell that not providing a full 16-bit base address for the direct addressing mode actually saved them anything in terms of transistor count and instruction cycle count, but we are probably safe in guessing that was their reasoning for doing it that way. It is still useful, although it might have been more useful to have provided finer-grain control of the base address of the direct page. (See above about using any address register in the 68000 in a similar way.)

The DP can be used, with caveat, as a base for process-local static allocations, which greatly reduces potential for inadvertent conflicts in use of global variables and race conditions.

(2) Another niggle about the direct page, the caveat, is that the direct page base is not directly supported for address math. Just finding where the direct page is pointing requires moving DP to the A accumulator and clearing the B accumulator, after which you can move it to one of the index registers. Cycle and register consuming, but not fatal.

(3) A third niggle about both the direct page and the indexed mode, it seems like cycle counts for both could have been better. The 6801 improved cycle counts for both, making the 6809 seem less attractive to engineers seeking for speed. It would have been nice for Motorola to have followed the 6801 with an improved 6809 that fixed the DP niggles and cycle count niggles.

(4) The 6809 also does not have address function code signals. The overall design provides enough power to implement mini-computer class operating systems, but the 64 kilobyte address space then limits the size of user applications. Address function signals that allow separating code, stack, direct page, and extended data would have eased the limits significantly.

On the other hand, widening the index registers would have done even more to ease the addressing restrictions. (I've talked about that elsewhere, and I hope to examine in more carefully sometime in a rant on how the 6809 could have evolved.)

(5) Other than those niggles, the 6809 is about as powerful a design as you can get and still call a CPU an 8-bit processor. In spite of the fact that it would have meant letting the 6809 compete with the 68000 in the market, they could have used the 6809 as the base design of a family of very competitive 16-bit CPUs.

In other words, my fifth niggle is that Motorola never pursued the potential of the 6809. 

(6) but not really -- 8-bit CPUs are generally focused on keeping transistor count down for 8-bit applications, so hardware multiplication and division of 16-bit numbers doesn't really make sense in an 8-bit CPU design. This is probably the reason the 6809 only had 8- by 8-bit multiplication, and also probably the reason for the irregular structure of the operation. 

A similar 8-bit  division of accumulator A by accumulator B yielding 8 bits of quotient and 8 bits of remainder might make sense, but I'm not sure we should want to waste the transistors.

16-bit multiply and divide would have been good for a true 16-bit version of the 6809, but that would include a full 16-bit instruction set.


6801 Niggles:

When the 6809 was introduced in the market, it was still a bit too much complexity in the CPU to comfortably integrate peripheral parts -- timers, serial and parallel ports, and such -- into the same semiconductor die that contained the CPU. So Motorola decided to fix just a few of the niggles of the 6800 for use as a core CPU in semi-custom designs that included on-chip peripheral devices.

(It's something that is commonly misunderstood, that the 6801 actually came after the 6809 historically, but is best understood as a slightly improved 6800, not as a stripped-down 6809. Three steps forward, three steps back, half a step forward.)

As noted above, they fixed the CPX instruction in the 6801, but they did not fix the lack of direct-page unary instructions. They also added instructions to directly push and pop the X index register, which greatly helped when you had something in X that you needed to save before you used X for something else. 

And they added the 16-bit loads, stores, and math that combined A and B into a single 16-bit double accumulator D -- similar to the 6809, which overcame a lot of the other niggles about the 6800. In particular, you don't feel the lack of an OR B with A instruction to make sure both bytes of the result were zero, because the flags are correctly set after the D accumulator instructions. 

And they included the 8-bit multiply A by B from the 6809. They also included a couple of 16-bit double accumulator shifts, but only for D, not for memory, which is a very minor niggle, an engineering trade-off.

They also added an instruction to add B to X, ABX, to help calculate the addresses of fields within records. 

This brings up niggle (1) -- ABX is unsigned, and they did not include a subtract B from X instruction. Being able to subtract B from X, or add a negative value in B to X, would have significantly helped with allocating local variable space on the stack. As it is, ABX is primarily useful for addressing elements with records and structures.

Although I/O devices tended to be assigned addresses in high memory on early 6800 designs, the 6801 put the built-in I/O devices in the direct page. They also put a bit of built-in RAM in the direct page, starting at $80.

But, as I noted above, niggle (2) is that they did not add direct-page mode unary instructions.

If they had done so, either they'd have broken object code compatibility with the 6800, or they'd have had to spread the direct-page op-codes in awkward places in the 6800, which definitely would have cost transistors that they wanted for the I/O devices and such. Either way, I think it would have been worth the cost.

I put together a table showing one possible way to spread them out among unimplemented op-code locations in the inherent/branch section of the op-code table for a chapter of one of my stalled novels, and I'll just copy below a list of where I allocated the direct page op-codes:

  • NEG direct: $02
  • ROR direct: $12
  • ASR direct: $03
  • COM direct: $13
  • LSR direct: $14
  • ROL direct: $15
  • ASL direct: $18
  • DEC direct: $1A
  • INC direct: $1C
  • TST direct: $1D
  • JMP direct: $1E
  • CLR direct: $1F

That doesn't prove anything other than that there were ultimately enough op-codes available. But I'm guessing this layout could be done with a hundred or less extra transistors -- transistors that admittedly would then be unavailable for counters or port bits. But it could be done, and it wouldn't have cost that much.

Also, with these in the op-code map, they could have provided this version of the CPU for compatibility, and then provided another version with the direct-page op-codes correctly laid out for customers who were willing to simply re-assemble their source code. (That's all it would have taken, but many customers wouldn't be willing to take a chance that something would sneak up and bite them.)

One possible more efficient layout would have been to repeat the addressing of the binary op-code groups. Working from the right in the opcode map, there are four columns for accumulator B binary operators and four columns for accumulator A binary operators:

  • $FX is extended mode B, and $BX is extended mode A;
  • $EX is indexed mode B, and $AX is indexed mode A;
  • $DX is direct page B, and $9X is direct page A;
  • $CX is immediate mode B, and $8X is immediate mode A. 

In the existing 6800, this continues down two more for the unaries, but then you have the unary A and B instructions:

  • $7X is extended mode unary;
  • $6X is indexed mode unary;
  • $5X is B unary;
  • $4X is A unary.

Then you have inherent mode instructions in columns $3X, $1X, and $0X, with the branches in column $2X.

In a restructured op-code map, it could be done like this:

  • $7X is extended mode unary;
  • $6X is indexed mode unary;
  • $5X would be direct page unary;
  • $4X would be B unary;
  • $0X would be A unary.

And the inherent mode operators would be more densely packed in the $1X and $3X columns.

This would require either moving the negate instructions or the halt-and-catch-fire instruction, I suppose. [I'm not finding my reference that had me thinking the 6801's test instruction was at $00. Cancel that thought.] Interestingly, when Motorola laid out the op-code map for the 6809, they kept A and B in columns $4X and $5X, and put the direct page in column $0X -- and left the negate at row $X0, so that they had to move the test instruction. [Again, I'm not finding my reference on the location of the 6809's test instruction. But they did leave negate where it was.]

Also interestingly, the 6801 has a direct-page jump to subroutine, which could be put to good use for a small set of quick global routines (like stack?). (The op-code is $9D, which some sources say was one of the accidental test instructions in the 6800).

Niggle (3) about the 6801 is that I think they should have split the stack. Add a parameter stack U, and then pushes and pops (PULs) would operate on the U stack, but JSR/BSR/RET would operate on the S stack. This would make stack frames much less of a bottleneck, make it possible to reduce call and return cycle counts, and increase general code security somewhat.

(Note again that the 6809 and the 68000 both directly support this kind of split stack. It was the education system that failed to teach engineers to use it.)

And I'll note here that the 68HC11 derivative of the 6801 added, among other things, a Y index, but no parameter stack.


6805 Niggles

Really the only niggle I have with the 6805 is the lack of a separate parameter stack, and the lack of any push/pop at all in the original 6805. Motorola did add pushes and pops to some derivatives of the 6805, but they were on the same S stack as the return address was going to.

The idea of an 8-bit index that could have a 16-bit base (as opposed to an offset) was novel to me when I first looked at the 6805, but it is rather useful. Instead of thinking in terms of putting a base address in X and then adding an offset, you think in terms of having a constant base address -- like an array with a known, fixed address, and the X register provides a variable offset. Indexed mode for binary operators includes no base, 8-bit base, and 16-bit base, allowing use anywhere in the address space. 

A small caveat is that unary operators do not have 16-bit base address indexed versions. This is a valid engineering tradeoff, and they cut the right corners here, fully supporting unary instructions for variables in the direct page.

The 8-bit index does not support generalized copying and other generalized functions needed to support self-hosted development environments (without self-modifying code), but that's not necessarily a problem. Hosted development environments are much more powerful tools than self-hosted. (I think a very small Tiny-BASIC interpreter could be constructed without self-modifying code, but that's more of an application than a self-hosted dev environment.)

It does make the CPX operator much simpler -- as an 8-bit operator.

Motorola ultimately extended the index with an XHI in some derivatives of the 6805, which would have allowed self-hosting for those derivatives, but we won't go there today. Also, we won't look at the 68HC11 in detail today. Nor will we do more than glance at the 68HC12 and 68HC16, even though both are quite interesting designs -- in spite of not having split stacks.

I think this is enough to show that Motorola really did do a fairly decent job with their CPU designs.

Actually comparing CPUs, by the way, requires producing a lot of parallel code implementing several real-world applications for each CPU compared. I'd like to do that someday, but I doubt I'll ever have the spare time and money to do so.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Translation of Article on the 63C09 in _Oh!FM_ 1988-4: p.72

As I noted in my post of my transcription of this magazine article, if you're a fan of Motorola's 6809 Advanced 8-bit CPU, you may be aware of Hitachi's 6809-compatible 6309 CPU. You may have heard of the article that "revealed" the 6309's extensions to the 6809 register model and instruction set. 

I am not especially a fan of the 6309, although I am something of a fan of the 6809. But there are many fans of the 6809 who are also fans of the 6309, and I've heard enough of them ask for a translation of this article, and I happen to be spinning my wheels in my more important goals at the moment, so I've decided to take a crack at it.

Today (Saturday, May 7, 2022), I just finished typing in the background portion of the article in Japanese, and that is probably the more interesting part, anyway. Over the next several months or longer, when I'm not too tired from the mail route, I'll either be typing more of the article in on the transcription post, or I'll be translating more of it here. Right now, I only have the first pass on the headline and the first paragraph in English. 

I don't really want to work with the output of Google Translate here, because I find it distracting.  (But people will ask for it, and I guess it's not necessary to make everyone go to Google themselves, so I'll paste it below for while I work, and to laugh at when I'm done.)

If the publishers of Oh! FM or the authors of the article take exception to me putting this up without permission, yes, I'll take it back down. It's so long water under the bridge that it's hard to imagine anyone thinking the information will do anyone damage now, but you never know.

The beginning of the translation, just text for now, with a tiny bit of crude markup:

The background sections are now (around May 21st) done, and I'm leaving the Japanese mixed in here for reference.


And now (June 8th) the rest of the technical details section has been typed up and posted in the transcription post linked above. I'll begin translating it here real soon now, beginning at 

Extension registers

But I'll note again that the technical information in the article should be considered to be for historical interest only. The technical reference by Alan DeKok and Chet Simpson at 


is more complete and more accurate.

For further reference, the reportage by Hirotsugu Kakugawa which made the meat of the technical information widely available and led to the reference above can be found on comp.sys.m6809, archived by Google at https://groups.google.com/g/comp.sys.m6809/c/xxCoMu_gyA4/m/-mhmKurDc90J .



Translation of the entire article is now complete. 

There is no purpose in this other than historicity, so I will not be posting an English-only version of the article. Also, I cannot grant permission to copy.


It should be remembered that this was written almost forty years ago, and much of what the (apparently pseudonymous) authors say is old news and dated marketing hype. 

Since I don't own the original copyrights, I cannot extend permission to copy or publish in any way. Partly for that reason, I do not plan to publish an English-only version. Go ahead and wade through the mix. If you feel inclined, try reading the Japanese.

The translation, mixed in with the transcription:

[Original copyright 1988 Oh!FM -- 元発行社 Oh!FM 1988]
[Translation copyright 2022 Joel Matthew Rees -- 翻訳文発行者 Joel Matthew Rees 2022]  

[Oh!FM 1988-4: p.72]

16-bit Multiplication & Division / Register-register Math / Block Transfers
8-bit Super MPU
Finding Extensions to the 6809 in the 63C09
63C09解析委員会 UNO
63C09 Survey Committee (Kaiseki Iinkai) UNO

The 63C09 is known as a minor upgrade to the 6809. Some users who have confidence with hardware have bought it for the higher speed rating, to speed up their computers. Recently, various hidden functional enhancements have been discovered in the 63C09. Here, we will have someone from the 63C09 Survey Committee (Kaiseki Iinkai) that found and explored these extensions outline what they have brought to light.

Now, we need to point out the dangers. When you start adding your own custom modifications to your computer, in particular when you swap out the CPU, the manufacturer is not guaranteed to fix your mistakes for you. It is possible that you will be required to change out other LSI parts and peripherals as well. And with the 63C09 you may end up losing the ability to run some -- or even most -- of the software you've been relying on, to boot. For these reasons, we cannot recommend these modifications, except to those who have a very high level of confidence in their own skills, to the point that they are willing to forego the use of any software they don't themselves write.

6809の高速版 63C09
The 63C09 as a High-Speed 6809

 パソコンの楽しみ方には色々ありますが、その筋の兵[つわもの]だけに許された遊びとして、ハードの改造があります。その昔からいろいろな改造が行なわれてきましたが、中でもCPUの高速化は、処理能力の向上が著しいことと、比較的簡単に行えることから、市販ソフトに頓着しないプログラム自作派の間では広く試みられてきました。古くは FM-8 に積まれた 68A09 (1.2 MHz) を 68B09 (2 MHz) に変えて、 FM-7並の処理速度を与えたこと、最近では FM-11 を中心にCPUをクロックアップして 2.5~4 MHz で動かすことが、その代表的なところです。
There are many ways to have fun with a personal computer, but one game that is only allowed the adept is customizing your hardware. There have been a number of traditional customizations, accelerating your CPU stands among them out for improving the functional speed of your computer. Since it is relatively easy to do, it is popular among DIY-ers who do not get overly concerned about commercial software. In the past, one might trade the 1.2 MHz 68A09 in an FM-8 for a 2 MHz 68B09, to give it speed comparable to the FM-7. More recently, overclocking the processor at speeds of 2.5~4 MHz has become common, especially with the FM-11.

 「えっ、 2.5~4MHz だって、そんなに速い 6809ってあったっけ」と思われる方もおられるでしょうが、実は存在するのです。秋葉原や日本橋のチップ屋さんで売っている日立の 63C09 というMPUがそれで、 3 MHz で動作する、 6809のC−MOS版です。ノーマルに従うなら従来の 68B09 (2 MHz) の 1.5倍の処理能力になり、選別して規格外の 4 MHz で動くものを使えば2倍の処理能力となります。
Many people will be thinking, "Huh? 2.5 to 4 MHz? Are there 6809s that fast?" Yes. There are. Hitachi's 63C09, available at chip shops in Akihabara and Nihonbashi, is a C-MOS 6809 that operates at 3 MHz. Standard parts are rated at 1.5 times the speed of the (2 MHz) 68B09, and if you use a specially selected part, you can run it out of spec at 4 MHz, to give double the functional speed.

 この 63C09 を使って高速化を行うわけで、基本的にはCPUとクロックを差し換えるだけの簡単なものですが、それだけでは済まないこともあります。 FM-8, 7, 77D1/D2/L4, 77AV, 11 のようにCPUがソケットに差さっている機種では単純に差し換えるだけですが、 FM-NEW7, 77AV20/40/20EX/40EX のように基板に直接ハンダづけされている機種ではかなりの腕がないとCPUが引っこ抜けません。また、クロックアップした場合周辺LSIや周辺機器が追いつかないこともあり、その場合はそれらも交換しなければなりませんが、AV系のようにカスタムLSIが多用されている場合は難しいでしょう。 7/AV系のサブシステムのように微妙なタイミングで動いているものでは、クロックアップはかなり困難で、しかも、クロックアップしたが最後、プロテクトやその他の処理に内蔵タイマやソフトウェア的なタイミングを使った市販アップリケーションソフトの多くは全て使いものにならなくなってしまいます。
Using the 63C09 to accelerate your computer may be basically a matter of replacing the CPU and clock, but it's not always that simple. With models which have socketed CPUs, such as FM-8, 7, 77D1/D2/L4, 77AV, and 11, it's just a matter of replacing the chips. But with models that have the parts soldered directly to the board, such as the FM-NEW7 and 77AV20/40/20EX/40EX, it requires a fair degree of skill to get the CPU out. Also, when increasing the clock speed, the support LSI ICs and external peripheral devices may not be able to keep up. In that case, you must trade those out as well. With models which, like the AV [audio/video => multimedia] models, use many custom LSI parts, this can be exceedingly difficult [meaning, impossible]. With models which push specification limits, such as the 7/AV series, raising the clock rate can leave you unable to access most commercial application software which uses internal timers or software timing for processes such as [copy] protection.   

So, accelerating your computer comes with a wide range of problems, but the results well make up for the effort.

 ちなみに FM-11 の場合を例にとると、CPUの差し換えだけだと 2.5~3 MHz ぐらいが限界のようで、それ以上を望むと一部周辺LSIの差し換え等が必要なようです。 11ではサブシステムの高速化も可能で、手を加えれば 4 MHz までいけます。とくに、 4 MHz化された FM-11 のサブシステムの表示速度は目を見張るものがあり、漢字の表示速度が漢字VRAMをもった FM16β と大差ない速さになります。
As an aside, taking the FM-11 as an example, just swapping out the CPU has a limit of 2.5 to 3 MHz gain. Getting more out of it will require changing out some of the support LSI and peripherals, etc. With the 11, subsystems can also be accelerated so that, with a little effort, 4 MHz speeds can be obtained. Accelerated to 4 MHz, the FM-11 subsystems display speed is astounding, with Kanji display speed not very different from the Kanji VRAM-equipped FM16β.

Discovering the Functional Extensions

 というわけで、私の周りの歴戦の勇士たちは次々と FM-11 に高速化改善を行ったのですが、そこに1つ、奇妙な問題が発生しました。
Which is why the brave wizards around me, one after another, accelerated their FM-11s. But a rather curious problem occurred.

 コマスのワープロWPV3が動かなくなってしまったのです。最初は、前述したソフト的なタイミングの問題か何かだと思われたのですが、驚いたことに、クロックを 2 MHz に落としても動きません。
Comas's word processor, WPV3, would not work. At first, we suspected the sort of software timing issues I mentioned above, but, to our surprise, when we brought the clock back down to 2 MHz, it still didn't run.

 そこで、友人の Gigo氏を中心に原因探究が始まったのですが、ほどなく 6809 の未定義命令で引っかかっていることがわかりました。未定義命令とは、メーカが発表しているマニュアルで定義されていない命令のことで、建前上はそのような命令を使ってもなんの動作もしないことになっているのですが、実は隠し命令になっていることもままあります。一昔のパソコン雑誌には、よく各社製CPUの隠し命令の解析記事が載っていたりしました。このよう
Investigation began at this point, and, with a friend I'll call Mr. Gigo taking a lead role, we quickly found that it was getting stuck at unimplemented 6809 instructions. Unimplemented instructions are instructions that are not defined in the manufacturer's manuals, and fundamentally should not be expected to do any [particular] thing, but it's not unusual that they are in fact hidden instructions. A short time ago, you would find articles detailing hidden instructions for each manufacturer's CPUs in Pasokon [nascent personal computer] magazines. Such

72 Oh!FM 1988-4    警告 CPUを 63C09 に交換した場合、かなりの市販アプリケーション(とくにゲーム)が動作しなくなります。
p. 72 Oh! FM 1988-4  Warning: Exchanging the CPU for the 63C09 will result in many commercial applications (especially games) failing to run.
[Oh!FM 1988-4: p.73]

な隠し命令は、 6809 にもそう大したものではありませんでしたがありました。さて、未定義命令の扱いが 63C09 と 6809 とでは異なるということは、隠し命令も異なる可能性があるわけです。 63C09 の出荷開始時期 (1985年秋) を考えても、何か機能が追加されても当然なくらいで、「もしかしたら」の期待がわきました。
hidden instructions on the 6809 are not very special, but do exist. Differences in the effects of unimplemented instructions probably implies differences in hidden instructions. Considering the timing of the introduction of the 63C09 (Fall 1985), it might even be expected that some additional functionality was included. We began to get excited about the what-ifs.

 引っかかっているコードの1つに「$1F, $62」というものがありました。命令自体は TFR (レジスタ間のデータ転送命令)でおなじみのものですが、未定義レジスタから Y レジスタへ転送するように指示されています。 6809 の場合は未定義なので Y レジスタに $FFFF が返りますが、63C09 の場合は Y レジスタにはめちゃくちゃな[値]が入ります。試みに、 Y レジスタから未定義レジスタ番号にデータ転送してから未定義レジスタ番号から Y レジスタへ戻してやると、元のデータがちゃんと残っていました……。つまり、 63C09 の未定義レジスタ番号は、番号が余って未定義となっていたのではなく、実在するレジスタを指す番号だったのです!
One of the codes it was getting stuck at was $1F, $62. The instruction itself is the familiar TFR (register-to-register transfer) instruction, but it specifies copying the value from an unimplemented register to the Y register. On the 6809, it is unspecified, but the value $FFFF is returned to Y. On the 63C09, Y gets loaded with an absurd value. As a test, when a [known] value was transferred from Y to the unimplemented register number and then returned from the unimplemented register number to Y, the value nicely left in Y was the original value .... In other words, on the 63C09, the unimplemented register number was not just a leftover number specifying an unimplemented register, it specified an actually existing register!  

 その隠しレジスタを発見した Gigo氏は、狂喜してかたっぱしから友人に電話をかけまくりました。そして、私のところにも夜も丑三つ[うしみつ]時[dead of the night]過ぎにかかってきました……。話の内容は、「63C09 にはレジスタが余計にある。レジスタがあるからには命令もあるはずだ。みんなで手分けして調べよう」というもので、それから隠し命令を探す日日が始まり、ディスアセンブル表の割り当てのないコードをデバッガでメモリ上に書き、ブレークポイントを設定して TFR でレジスタに値をセットして実行させ、レジスタの内容を見るという単調な作業が繰り返されました。その日わかった結果を、パソコン通信を通じて情報交換するうちに、いつとはなしに、 FM-11 で OS-9 をやっている、それもほとんど病気に近いマニアが集まり、「63C09 解析委員会」なる集団が自然発生しました。
Mr. Gigo, who discovered the hidden register, in his rapture, immediately called all his friends one after another. It was beyond the dead of night when he called me. The substance of his call was, "The 63C09 has extra registers. It it has registers, it ought to have instructions, too. Let's split up the work and see what we can find." Thus began long days of the monotonous job of hunting hidden instructions by using a debugger to repeatedly write codes that are unallocated in the disassembly table into memory, set breakpoints and use TFR to set values in registers and execute the instructions, and check the register contents. Each day we would share our results, communicating by personal computer networks, and, before we knew it, a group of almost ill maniacs who run OS-9 on their FM-11s had naturally coalesced into the "63C09 Survey Committee".
[The grammar in the Japanese here is a bit murky. I think he should have said something like, "... by repeatedly selecting unallocated codes from the disassembly table and using the debugger to create test routines by (1) writing them into memory sandwiched between TFR codes which set values in registers and then extract the values to check them, (2) setting breakpoints, and (3) executing the test routines". But the language in the article is not that precise, and I can't find enough clues to justify that much interpolation. If you've done this, you know what he means. If you haven't, you'd need a full article, blog post, or video describing the process. It has been done. Might be fun to do my own, if I had the time.]

 マニアの執念は恐ろしいもので、ほどなく 36C09 の拡張機能の大筋が判明しました。概略を述べると、
 ・32÷16 ビット除算、 16÷8 ビット除算、 16×16 ビット乗算、レジスタ間演算、ビット操作、ブロック転送などの命令が拡張されている。
 ・6809 コンパチのモードと、 63C09 本来のモードの2種類の動作モードをもつ
といったところで、今までの 6809 で不便であった部分、弱点であった部分が相当改善されており、またとても8ビットMPUとは思えない強力な機能も含まれています。
Fanatical obsession can be scary. Before long, we had the general outline of the extended functionality fleshed out. In brief,

* 3 classes of registers have been added, one of which can be used either as an accumulator or as an index register;
* the extended instruction set includes 32-by-16 bit divide, 16 by 8 bit divide, 16 by 16 bit multiply, register-register math, bit operations, block moves, and such;
* a trap is triggered when unimplemented instructions are found;
* and there are two operating modes, a 6809 compatible mode and a 63C09 native mode.

Here we have many inconveniences or straight-out weaknesses in the 6809 which are rather improved, and functionality which is hard to think of as existing in an 8-bit MPU is included.

 これらの解析結果はNANNO−NETを皮切りに、いくつかの BBS にアップされました。多くのネットワーカーの方から多大な反響を得ましたが、より多くの方に「8ビットを超える8ビットMPU」 63C09 の全貌[ぜんぼう=entire body]を知っていただくために、 Oh!FM の誌上お借りしてご報告します。
The results of our analyses have been uploaded to several BBSses, beginning with NANNO-NET. They have been well-received among net-walkers [among netizens? in the on-line communtity], but now we are borrowing magazine space in Oh!FM to make the full nature of the more-than-8-bit 63C09 8-bit MPU known among a broader audience.

Considerations in
Converting to the 63C09
[Merits/demerits => Advantages/disadvantages => Considerations]

 日立から販売されている HD63C09 は、モトローラの MC6809 とピンコンパチの8ビットMPUです。MPUの仕様は 6809 に拡張機能を付け加えた形のもので、 6809の上位コンパチになっています(未定義の命令を除く)。日立から公式発表はされていませんが、 63C09 の拡張機能を活用すると、 6809パソコンの処理能力を大幅に向上させることができます。
Hitachi's 63C09 is a 6809 pin-compatible 8-bit MPU. It is specified as upward compatible with the 6809 (excepting 6809 unimplemented op-codes) with extended functionality. The functionality is not publcally acknowledged by Hitachi, but using the extended functionality of the 63C09 can yield significantly improvements over the performance of the 6809.

 6809パソコンのMPUを 63C09 に差し換えた場合のメリットは処理能力の向上につきます。その要因としては以下の3点が考えられます。
The merits of replacing the MPU in a 6809-based personal computer are found in the improved performance. These three factors can be considered:

 1 高速クロック
 2 拡張命令/拡張レジスタ
 3 ネイティブモード

1: Higher-speed clock
2: Instruction/register extensions
3: Native mode

The merits gained from the first factor are a matter of course -- if you raise the MPU's processor clock rate, programs runs faster. Except for certain programs that will have problems related to unimplemented instruction traps, software timers, and such, existing software runs faster unchanged. How fast the clock can run depends on the hardware, and there are some cases where the clock can hardly be raised at all.

 2は、新規にソフトを書き起こすか、従来のソフトにパッチを当てたときに効果があります。従来の 6809 だとアセンブラのマクロ機能で表現していた処理の相当が 63C09 の1命令で書けるようになり、マシンサイクルを短縮できます。
Merits due to the second factor only come into play when writing new software new or patching existing software. Many operations that would be expressed as macros in the existing 6809 instruction set are performed by a single instruction on the 63C09, reducing machine cycle count.

 3は、 63C09固有のモードに切り換えて使うと、通常のエミュレーションモードよりも命令の実行サイクルが短くなることにより生じるものです。このモードを使うと、同じ動作クロックでも、通常より実行速度が最大20〜30%上がります(アドレッシングモードにより効果が違う)。ただ、スタックや割り込み関係で動作が異なる点があるので、ネイティブモードを利用するには F-BASIC なり OS-9 なりのシステムの一部を書き換える必要があります。
Merits from the third factor are obtained by switching to native mode, in which instruction execution cycles are reduced over the normal emulation mode. When using this mode, run speed can increase as much as 20 to 30%, even at the same operation clock (varies according to addressing mode). However, due to differences in handling the stack and interrupts, in order to use native mode, parts of your system (F-BASIC, OS-9, etc.) must be rewritten.

 逆にデメリットとしては、まず、 6809 の未定義命令を使ったソフトに限らず、多くの内蔵タイマを使った市販ソフトその他が動作不良を起こしてしまうであろうこと、また、 63C09 の拡張機能を活用するにはそれらを活用するための開発ツールを自作できるくらいのそれなりの腕が必要で、ノービスには難しいことが難点といえるでしょう。
Looking on the other hand at the demerits, first off, besides the different effects of unimplemented instructions in the 6809, commercial software which uses internal timers will tend to function erratically. Also, the skills to produce tools that take advantage of the 63C09 extensions must be produced oneself, which will be a point of difficulty for the novice user.  

Comparing the merits and demerits, under the present conditions those who can write their own programs can receive the benefits of the 63C09, but game and application users in general should pass this one by.

 それでは、 63C09 の拡張機能について以下順番に解説していきます。
With that, we shall proceed to describe the extended functionality of the 63C09.

[The essential content of the technical description is already available at


I may go ahead and translate what the article has, for completeness. But the above link will provide more correct information, now. So, if I do, I'll be working on the technical sections at lower priority.]

Extension registers

 63C09 では 6809 よりレジスタの数が3つ増えています(図1)。そのうち2つは 16ビットのレジスタで、もう1つは8ビットのモードステータスレジスタです。
The 63C09 has three more registers than the 6809 (Table 1). Two of those registers are 16-bit registers, and one is an 8-bit mode/status register.

W Register (16 bit)
 アキュムレータとしても、インデックスレジスタとしても使用できる 16ビットレジスタです。
16 bit register useable as either an accumulator or an index register.

 アキュームレータとして使うときは、 16ビ
When used as an accumulator,

Oh!FM 1988-4 73
Oh! FM 1988-4 p. 73
[Oh!FM 1988-4: p.74]

ットレジスタとしてのほか、2つの8ビットレジスタ(E/Fレジスタ)に分割して使うこともできます。ちょうど、既存の D/A/Bレジスタがもう1組増えたようなものです。ただし、 AND/OR 等の W/E/F レジスタでは使えない命令もあります。
in addition to being useable as a 16-bit register, W may be split and used as two 8-bit registers (E/F). This is just like having an extra D/A/B register, except that there are instructions such as AND and OR that cannot be used with W/E/F.

 また、既存の Dレジスタと連結して 32ビットレジスタ(Qレジスタ)として使うことができ、乗除算のときに利用します。
It can also be concatenated with the existing D register and used as a 32-bit register, useful in division operations.

 インデックスレジスタとして使うときは、既存の X/Yレジスタと同様に利用します。この場合、 6809 でポストバイトに用いられていないビットパターンを使用します。Wレジスタをインデックスレジスタとして使用したときの、アキュムレータオフセットと5ビットオフセット、8ビットのコンスタントオフセットはありません。

W functions similarly to the existing x and Y registers when used as an index. In this case, it uses a post-byte bit pattern that is not used on the 6809. However, when using the W register as an index, accumulator, 5-bit, and 8-bit offsets are not available.

As a specialized use, W is used as the counter in block transfer operations.

V Register (16-bit)
 Vレジスタを使う命令は、レジスタ間演算命令や TFR などに限られています。Vレジスタの特徴は、MPUをリセットしてもレジスタの値が変化しないことです。このレジスタをOSなどで定数等を保持するような目的に便利でしょう。
Instructions that use the V register are limited to register-register math and TFR, etc. The special feature of the V register is that its value is not changed, even, when you reset the MPU. This register could be useful for tracking constants and such, for example, in operating system code.

MD Register (8-bit)
 モード/ステータスビットレジスタの略で、除算実行時のエラー検出や未定義命令トラップの作動チェック、動作モードの設定など、 63C09 になって増えたモードやステータスの表示に用いられます。各ビットの意味は次のとおりです。
Abbreviated MD for mode/status bit register, this register is for accessing the modes and status that the 63C09 adds, including testing for divide-time errors and checking for undefined instruction traps, and for setting the operating mode, etc.

 ・ビット7 R 除算で 0 で割ったときに 1 がセットされる
 ・ビット6 R 未定義命令をフェッチしたときに 1 がセットされる
 ・ビット1 W FIRQ時のレジスタの退避モード設定ビット
       0 -> FIRQ時、 PC と CC のみスタックに退避
       1 -> FIRQ時、 すべてのレジスタを退避
 ・ビット0 W 動作モード設定ビット
       0 -> エミュレートモード
       1 -> ネイティブモード
 * bit 7 (R): set to 1 on divide-by-zero
 * bit 6 (R): set to 1 on an undefined instruction fetch
 * bit 1 (W): bit to set the FIRQ register save mode
    0 -> on FIRQ, only save PC and CC
    1 -> on FIRQ, save all registers
 * bit 0 (W): bit to set the operating mode
    0 -> emulation mode
    1 -> native mode

なお、リセット時にはすべてのビットは 0 になります。
On reset, all bits are set to 0. 


図1 63C09レジスタ構成
|----D----| |----W----|
|-A-| |-B-| |-E-| |-F-| アキュムレータ
----------- |----X----| X インデックスレジスタ
----------- |----Y----| Y インデックスレジスタ
----------- |----U----| ユーザスタックポインタ
----------- |----S----| システムスタックポインタ
----------- |---PC----| プログラムカウンタ
----------- |----V----| V(alue) レジスタ 
----------- |---DP----| ダイレクトページレジスタ
----------------- |CC-| コンデションコードレジスタ
----------------- |MD-| モード/ステータスレジスタ
Table 1: 63C09 Registers
|----D----| |----W----|
|-A-| |-B-| |-E-| |-F-| Accumulatorx
----------- |----X----| X index register
----------- |----Y----| Y index register
----------- |----U----| User stack pointer
----------- |----S----| System stack pointer
----------- |---PC----| Program counter
----------- |----V----| V(alue) register
----------- |---DP----| Direct page register
----------------- |CC-| Condition code register
----------------- |MD-| Mode/status Register

Operating Modes

 63C09には2つの動作モードがあります。1つは 6809 とのコンパチビリティを考えたエミュレートモードで、もう1つは 63C09 の本来の機能を引き出すネイティブモードです。
The 63C09 has two operating modes. One is the 6809 compatibility emulation mode, and one is the 63C09 native mode that brings out it's own functionality.

 と、いうと、「拡張レジスタや拡張命令が使えるのがネイティブモードで、使えないのがエミュレートモードだな」と思われる方もいるでしょうが、それはハズレです。 63C09 では、拡張レジスタと拡張命令をどちらのモードでも使えます。
That said, some will think, "The mode which makes the extension registers and the instructions available is the native mode, right?" But that is not correct. The extension register and instruction set are accessible in either mode.

 エミュレートモードとネイティブモードの違いは、インタラプト時のスタックの扱いの違いです。インタラプトがかかったときレジスタの内容はスタックに退避されますが、そのとき従来からのレジスタだけを退避させるのがエミュレートモードで、拡張レジスタの W レジスタも退避させるのがネイティブモードです。
The difference between emulation mode and native mode is how the stack is handled at interrupt time. The register contents are saved on interrupt, but the mode that saves only the original register set is the emulation mode, and the mode that saves all the extension registers as well is the native mode.

 63C09 をリセットした直後はエミュレートモードに設定されています。このモードでは 6809 のソフトが問題なく動作する代わり、マルチタスクで拡張レジスタを使うときに気をつけなければなりません。たとえば、拡張レジスタの W レジスタをカウンタに使うブロック転送命令 TFM を使ったケースを考えます。タスクAで TFM 命令を使用中に、インタラプトをかけて、タスクBに移ったとしましょう。そのときにタスクBで W レジスタを使用したとしたら、また元のタスクAに戻ったときに W レジスタの中身が変更されていますので、誤動作を起こします(もちろんシングルタスクで使用するときや、マルチタスクでも1つのタスクでしか拡張レジスタを使用しないときは問題ありません)。よって、エミュレートモードでは、拡張レジスタを使用するときはいちいちインタラプト禁止して、さらにこのレジスタを一度スタックにセーブしてからでないと、別タスクに切り換えてはなりません。
Immeditiately after reset, the 63C09 is in emulation mode. In this mode, software for the 6809 executes without problems, but you must be careful when using the extension registers in multitasking. For example, consider using the block transfer instruction TFM, which uses the extension register W as the counter. You interrupt task A in the middle of using the TFM instruction, and switch to task B. If you use W in task B, when you return to task A the contents of W will be changed, which will cause malfunction. (Of course, when using the processor only in single tasking, or if you limit use of the extension registers to one task only, there is no problem.) Thus, when using the extension registers in emulation mode, you must not switch tasks without every time disabling interrupts and saving the extension registers on the stack before doing starting the new task.

 これでは、高速ゲームや OS-9 から拡張レジスタを使いづらいうえ、使いにくい拡張命令も発生します。そのために、拡張レジスタと拡張命令を使うことを前提にしたモード、ネイティブモードが存在します。このモードでのインタラプトは PC, U, Y, X, DP, W, D, CC の順にスタックにレジスタを退避して割り込み処理に入ります。ここで注意してほしいのは、 W は DP と D の間にあるということです。これは、 D と W の 32ビットレジスタペア Q としてスタックに退避するという意味です。
Because of this, not only are the extension registers difficult to use in high-performance games and OS-9, but certain instructions also become problematic to use. This is why the native mode exists as a mode in which the extension registers are assumed to be in use. In this mode, interrupt processing is entered after saving the registers on stack in the order PC, U, Y, X, DP, W, D, and CC. What you should notice here is that W is saved between DP and D. What this means is that D and W are saved together as the register pair Q.

 ネイティブモードの特徴としては、もう1つ、命令のマシンサイクル短縮があげられます。その結果、アドレシングモードによって 20 ~ 35%高速に動作します。
One more feature of native mode is that instruction machine cycles are shortened. As a result, depending on the addressing mode, the processor operates 20 to 35% faster.

 とくにダイレクト、エクステンド、インヘラント、で顕著[けんちょ=remarkable, striking, conspicuous]にその効果が現れます。
This effect is particularly conspicuous in direct, extended, and inherent addressing modes.

74 Oh!FM 1988-4
p. 74 Oh!FM 1988-4
[Oh!FM 1988-4: p.75]

 なお、ネイティブモードでも V レジスタと MD レジスタはその性格上退避されませんので注意してください。
Take note that the V and MD registers, due to their nature and expected uses, are not saved.

 エミュレートモードからネイティブモードに移行するには、新設された MD レジスタのビット 0 (LSB) に 1 を書き込むことによって実現します。
Changing from the emulation mode to naive mode is accomplished by writing a 1 to bit 0 (LSB) of the newly provided MD register.

 さて、 63C09 のモードには上の2つのほかに、 FIRQ のスタック退避モードが用意されています。ご存知のように、 6809 では FIRQ をフェッチすると、 PC と CC のみをスタックに退避してインタラプト処理ルーチンへ分岐します。しかし、制御用のボードマイコンの場合、 FIRQ より IRQ がもう1つあったほうが便利なケースがあります。しかし、 63C09 は 6809 とピンコンパチを[?謳=うた?]っていますので、足の配置を変えるわけにはいきません。そこで、 FIRQ を IRQ として使用できるように、スタックの退避をすべてのレジスタが行うようにモードをソフトで切り換えられるようになっています。 FIRQ を IRQ として使用する場合は MD レジスタのビット 1 に 1 を書くことによって実現します。
The 63C09 has, in addition to the two modes mentioned above, modes for saving state to the stack during FIRQ. As you are know, when the 6809 fetches [sic] a FIRQ, it only saves the PC and CC to stack before jumping to the interrupt processing routine. However, when building a single-board controller, there are cases when it is more convenient to have an extra IRQ than to have a FIRQ. But since the 63C09 asserts pin compatibility with the 6809, it wouldn't do to change the layout of the chip's feet. To that purpose, so that the FIRQ can be used as an IRQ, you can make a software switch to a mode in which the full register set is saved on FIRQ. When using FIRQ as an IRQ [style interrupt], switch to this mode by writing a 1 to bit 1 of the MD register.


 63C09 は以下の現象が発生したときにトラップがかかります。
The 63C09 takes a trap under the following conditions:

 1 未定義命令がフェッチされたとき
 2 除算命令の DIV 命令で 0 で割ったとき
1: When an unimplemented/undefined instruction is fetched
2: When a DIV instruction attempts to divide by 0

 トラップがかかると、エミュレートモードでは PC, U, Y, X, DP, B, A, CC の順に、ネイティブモードでは PC, U, Y, X, DP, W, B, A, CC の順に S レジスタにレジスタをプッシュした後、 $FFF0 のアドレスに書いてあるベクタに分岐します ($FFF0 は 6809 では RESERVE)。このトラップはリセットの次の割り込み優先度があります。なお、未定義命令かゼロ・ディバイドかを判定する命令として BITMD 命令があります。
When a trap is taken, after the internal registers are pushed on the S register in order PC, U, Y, X, DP, B, A, CC in emulation mode and PC, U, Y, X, DP, W, B, A, CC in native mode, the processor jumps to the address stored at vector $FFF0 (specified as RESERVED on the 6809). We have the BITMD instruction to distinguish between an undefined instruction and a zero divide.

 このトラップのため、未定義命令を使っている 6809 のソフトが動作しなくなりますが、代わりに OS-9/68000等で使われているトラップライブラリを組めるようになります。たとえば、未定義命令に浮動小数点演算プロセッサの呼び出しを割り当てておくと、その命令を未定義命令トラップに引っ掛け、処理ルーチンに飛ばすことが可能になります。このトラップライブラリを利用すると、オブジェクトのサイズをかなり縮められるので便利でしょう。
Because of these traps, 6809 software that uses undefined instructions will fail to function. On the other hand, the trap allows trap libraries of the sort that are used in OS-9/68000 and others. For example, if we allocate calls to a floating point [co]processor to an unimplemented instruction, when that unimplemented instruction is trapped, we can use the trap to jump to the handler routines. Using such a trap library should help significantly reduce code size. 


Instruction Extensions

 63C09 拡張命令には、既存の命令の対応レジスタを増やした追加命令と新規に設けられた新設命令に分けられます。
663C09 instruction set extensions can be divided into two classes -- additional versions of existing instructions for working with the added registers, and entirely new instructions.

The newly added instructions include register-to-register math, block moves, multiplication and division, bit operators, and bit math/extraction instructions.

Additional Instructions

 63C09 では、既存の命令も拡張されていて、対応するレジスタが増えています。
In the 63C09, some existing instructions have been extended, widening the range of registers they can operate on.

 たとえば、今までありそうでなかった TSTD, ADCD などが追加されています。これらは従来でもアセンブラ上でマクロを使って表現できましたが、これらを使うことによりマシンサイクルを短縮できます。
For example, instructions that seemed like they ought to exist but did not, such as TSTD and ADCD, have been added. These operations could be expressed in existing 6809 assembler as macros, but using the new instructions will reduce machine cycle counts.

 また、 ADD や SUB などの命令では、 E/F/W レジスタが増えたことにより、それに対応する命令が増えています。いわば、 A/B/D レジスタがもう1組増えたようなもので、プログラミングの柔軟性が増します。ただし、 A/B/D レジスタで使える命令がすべて対応しているわけではありませんので注意してください(図2)。
In addition, the number of registers has increased by E/F/W, and versions of instructions such as ADD and SUB have been added for the new registers. It's as if another set of the registers A/B/D has been added, and programming flexibility has improved accordingly. However, you should be aware that not all instructions that exist for A/B/D have their counterparts for E/F/W.

 既存の命令の中で追加の度合いが大きいのは TFR と EXG 命令でしょう。 TFR, EXG 命令では、対象レジスタの指定にポストバイトのビットパターンを用います。 63C09 ではレジスタが増えていますので、そのビットパターンの組み合わせも増えていて (0110->W, 0111->V, 1110->E, 1111->F), レジスタアドレッシングとでもいったらよい状態になっています。このレジスタアドレッシングは新設命令のレジスタ間演算でも使用しています。ここで注意しなければいけないのは、本当の未定義レジスタ番号を指定した場合、 63C09 と 6809 とでは動作が異なるということです。
Among existing instructions, two that are significantly impacted are TFR and EXG. These both use a postbyte to specify the registers that will be affected. There are more registers in the 63C09, so the applicable bit patterns have also increased (0110->W, 0111->V, 1110->E, 1111->F). These bit patterns might as well be used in register addressing, and this register addressing is used in the newly added register-to-register math instructions. Something to be careful of here is that the results of specifying a register that does not exist will differ between the 63C09 and the 6809.

図2 アキュムレータで行える処理
Table 2: Operations that can be performed on the accumulator(s)
       | A | B | E | F | D | W | Q |
CLR    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
INC    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
DEC    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
TST    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
COM    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
NEG    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
SEX    | o*| o*|   |   | o*| o*|   |
ASL/LSL| o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
ASR    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
LSR    | o | o |   |   | o | o |   |
ROL    | o | o |   |   | o | o |   |
LD     | o | o | o | o | o | o | o |
ST     | o | o | o | o | o | o | o |
ADD    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
SUB    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
CMP    | o | o | o | o | o | o |   |
ADC    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
SBC    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
AND    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
OR     | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
EOR    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
BIT    | o | o |   |   | o |   |   |
MUL    | o*| o*|   |   | o |   |   |
DIV    |   |   |   |   |   |   | o |
                  * ワークとして使用
                  * Used as working registers.

Register-to-register Instructions

 6809での演算は、ほとんどレジスタ対メモリないしイミディエイト値で行われていました。そのため A レジスタと B レジスタの値の AND をとりたい場合は、どちらかのレジスタをメモリ上にストアしてから演算(この場合は AND)を行わなければなりませんでした。 63C09 ではこれが解決されていてレジスタ同士の演算が可能になりました。これらは TFR や EXG と同じレジスタアドレッシングを用います。
Math and logic operations on the 6809 were mostly performed memory-to-register. Because of that, when you want to take the AND of register A with register B, you had to store one or the other register to memory first and then perform the operation (AND in this case). This is solved in the 63C09 and direct register-to-register math operations are possible. These use the same register addressing used by TFR and EXG.

Register-to-register operations include the following instructions:


Block Move/Transfers

 6809 でメモリ上のデータを移動させるときは、一度そのデータをレジスタにロードしてきては、それをセーブするということを繰り返して行っていました。これはこれでよいのですが、問題はその処理にかかる時間です。そこで Z80 や 8086 などにもあるブロック転送命令が、 63C09 にも設けられています。
Moving data in memory with the 6809 involves repeatedly loading part of it into a register and then saving it. This works, but has the problem of consuming processing time. This is why the 63C09 includes block moves like such processors as the Z80 and 8086 have.

Oh!FM 1988-4 75
Oh! FM 1988-4 p. 75
[Oh!FM 1988-4: p.76]

 ブロック転送命令では、転送元アドレス(ソース)、転送先アドレス(ディスティネーション)の指定に 16ビットレジスタの D/X/Y/U/S レジスタの中から1〜2使います。レジスタの指定にはポストバイトを使い、その形式はレジスタアドレッシングの形式をとります。また、ソースとディスティネーションを同じレジスタでも指定できます。転送するバイト数のカウントには W レジスタを使います。
As the source and/or destination of block moves, one or two of the 16-bit registers D/X/Y/U/S can be specified. Register specification uses a postbyte of the same format as register addressing. The same register can be specified as both the source and destination. The count of bytes to transfer is specified by the W register.

 転送方法には4種類あり、正方向(TFM r0+,r1+)/逆方向(TFM r0-,r1-)の通常のブロック転送のほか、 I/O ポート等のアドレスにデータを次々と流し込むもの(TFM r0+,r1)、指定ブロックを指定値で塗りつぶすもの(TFM r0,r1+)があります。
There are four modes of transfer; in addition to forward (TFM r0+,r1+) and reverse (TFM r0-,r1-), a mode that pours data one byte after another into a single address such as that of an I/O port (TFM r0+,r1), and a mode that can paint the specified block of data with a specified value (TFM r0,r1+) [sic].


Multiply/Divide Instructions

 6809 には MUL という 8×8ビットの乗算命令がありましたが、これは A レジスタと B レジスタの値を掛け合わせるだけのものでした。 63C09 で設けられた16×16ビット乗算命令(MULD)では、いろいろなアドレシングモードが使え、追加というよりは新設に近いものです。
The 6809 has one 8 by 8 bit multiply instruction, MUL, which can only multiply the contents of the A and B registers. The 63C09's 16 by 16 bit multiply, MULD, can use a variety of addressing modes. More than an extension of existing instructions, it is a newly added instruction.

 また、 63C09 にはそれに加えて16÷8ビット除算(DIVD)、32÷16ビット除算(DIVQ)が設けられて、これらも、いろいろなアドレシングモードが使えるようになっています。
Additionally, the 63C09 has a 16 by 8 bit divide, DIVD, and a 32 by 16 bit divide, DIVQ, both of which can use a variety of addressing modes.

ビット操作命令(6301 コンパチ命令)
Bit [Pattern] Operation (6301 Compatibility) Instructions

 日立の HD6301 には、 6801 の拡張命令としてビット操作命令が新設されていましたが、同じ 63 シリーズの 63C09 にも同じ命令があります。これらの命令はイミディエイトデータとメモリの内容を論理演算して、結果をメモリに戻したり、関連コンディションコードを変化させてしまうので、ビットパターンを操作するときなどに重宝します。
Hitachi's HD6301 has, as extensions to the 6801 instruction set, new bit operation instructions. The 63C09, a member of the same 63 series, has the same. These instructions are of great value, performing logical operations directly between memory and immediate data, returning the results to memory, and setting the relevant condition codes accordingly.



Operations available are logical _and_ (AIM), logical _or_ (OIM), logical _exclusive_or_ (EIM), and bit test-to-condition-codes (TIM). The object code has the structure

 <op-code>, <bit position> [sic: pattern], <operand>

in that order.

 これらの命令を使うと、 6301 の命令はマクロアセンブラを用いれば 63C09 上で実行可能になります。つまり OASYS Lite 等の組み込みプログラムを FM 上で動かすことができるかも知れないわけで、そういう意味でも美味しい命令なのです(もっとも、その前に根性で ROM を逆アセンブルしなければなりませんが)。
Using these instructions, it becomes possible by means of a macro-assembler to execute 6301 instructions on the 63C09. In other words, it may be possible to run embedded [sic] software such as OASYS Lite programs. In this sense, these are very tasty instructions. (Of course, you'll first have to get tough and disassemble the ROM.)


Bit Calculation/Extraction Instructions

 63C09 には、多分に I/O を意識したビット演算/転送命令が存在しています。これらの命令は、アドレシングモードにダイレクトモードしかサポートしていない難はありますが、使い慣れれば便利に使えるでしょう。動作は、ダイレクトページの LABEL のビット n と REG レジスタのビット m を論理演算して、 REG レジスタに入れるものがほとんどです。ビット演算/転送命令には以下のようなものがあります。
The 63C09 has [individual] bit calculation and extraction instructions, probably intended for I/O. These instructions have the deficiency of only supporting direct mode addressing, but with a little practice, should be useful. They perform logical operations on bit n of direct mode address LABEL and bit m of register REG, most of them leaving their result in REG. The following bit calculation/extraction instructions are supported:



  <命令コード ($11,$xx)>、<ポストバイト>、<オペランド>

Object code follows the following rather irregular structure:

 <op-code ($11,$xx)>, <post-byte>, <operand>

The operand is direct page addressing only, and the post-byte has its own peculiar format.
[Note that the post-byte format is not explained further in the article. Again, see DeKok and Simpson's technical pages at  

http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/People/Alan_DeKok/interests/6309.techref.html .]

Other Instructions

 その他の命令としては、先ずモード切り換え命令があります。といっても、エミュレートモードからネイティブモードへの移行は、 MD レジスタのビット 0 (LSB) に1を書き込むことによって行われますので、 MD レジスタに対する普通の LD 命令を使います。
Among the other instructions is the mode change instruction mentioned above. Or, rather, shifting from emulation mode to native mode is accomplished by writing a 1 to bit 0 of the MD register, just using the LD for the MD register.

 次にトラップがかかったとき、未定義命令でかかったのか除算のエラーで起こったのかを調べる命令 BITMD があります。これは、 MD レジスタのステータスビット(ビット 7 or 6)を調べ、どちらでトラップがかかったのかを知らせます。ただし、この命令を実行すると MD レジスタのステータスビット(ビット 7 and 6)はクリアされますので、未定義コードトラップか、 Divide by Zero トラップかは、一度きりしか調べることはできません。
Next, when a trap is taken, to determine whether the source of the trap was an unimplemented instruction or a divide error, we have BITMD. This investigates the status bits (bit 7 or 6) to tell us the cause of the trap. However, when you execute this instruction, the status bits (bits 7 and 6) are cleared so you can only check whether the source was the undefined instruction trap or the Divide by Zero trap once.

 そして、スタックに関するものがあります。 63C09 ではレジスタが増設されていますが、現在の PSHS/PSHU ではそれらをスタックにセーブすることはできません。なぜなら、PSHS/PSHU および PULS/PULU のポストバイトが、すでにすべて割り当てられていて追加の余地がないということです。そこで、 63C09 では増設されたレジスタへのスタック操作は別命令の
Finally, we have stack instructions. The 63C09 has additional registers, but the original PSHS/PSHU cannot be used to save any of them. The post-byte for PSHS/PSHU and PULS/PULU is already completely allocated, leaving no room for additional registers. For that purpose, the 63C09 has the following new stack instructions:


を使います。ただし、これは W レジスタに対するもののみしかありません。よって、これらはポストバイトをもたないインヘレンとアドレシングのみです。
But there are only stack instructions for the W register, so these instructions operate in inherent mode and do not have a post-byte.

Wrapping Up

 以上 63C09 に隠されていた機能の大筋を説明してきました。 6809 に+αで追加してほしかった機能がほぼ盛り込まれており、 6809派にはひさびさの好ニュースといえます。ただ、惜しむらくは登場時期が遅かったことで、そのため活躍の場がパソコンの改造か、産業用ワンボードマイコン程度に限られてしまったことです。ゲームパソコンも 68000系や 8086系、 65816 といった16ビットCPUを使い始めている現状では、 63C09 を積んだパソコンをメーカーが出荷することは、まずありえないことでしょう。当面は市場アプリに依存しない FM-11等の改造にしか使えないというのは残念なことです。
We have given a general outline of the hidden functionality of the 63C09 above. It contains a wealth of 6809-plus-alpha extensions, and is a bit of welcome, if long-awaited news for fans of the 6809. But it is regretable that the news is rather untimely, and the places where it can be put to good use are now pretty much limited to customizing existing personal computers and designing industrial one-board microcomputers. In the current market where game computers are now moving on to the 68000, 8086, and 65816 class 16-bit CPUs, there really won't be any personal computer shipping with a 63C09. It is unfortunate that the only place to really use it now is in customizing such computers as the FM-11, which do not have to depend on packaged applications from the marketplace.

 なお、この稿をまとめるにあたっては、私が解析した資料のほか、 63C09 解析委員会の仲間(とくに Gigo氏と Miyazaki氏)が解析された資料を参照させていただきました。 63C09 解析委員会関係者のご協力に感謝いたします。
In addition to material I have produced myself, I have referenced material produced by members of the 63C09 Survey Committee (especially Mr. Gigo and Mr. Miyazaki). I offer my gratitude for the cooperation of all who have participated in the 63C09 Survey Committee.
[Translator's note: Not having any clues about gender, I am by default assuming Gigo-shi and Miyazaki-shi are male -- I could well be wrong.]


・63C09解析委員会、「お年玉プレゼント 63C09 に隠し機能があった」など、NANNO−NET、1988年1月1日〜
* 63C09 Survey Committee -- "A New Years Gift: There hidden functions in the 63C09" and other material on NANNO-NET, from Jan 1, 1988.
* Motorola, MC6809-MC6809E Microprocessor Programming Manual [Japanese edition], CQ Shuppan [CQ Publishing], 1982
・「6809 インストラクションポケットブック」、Oh!FM 1983年第4号、日本ソフトバンク
* "6809 Instruction Pocket Reference", Oh!FM 1983-4, Softbank Japan
・水谷隆太、「6809の未定義命令」、I/O 1985年5月号、工学社
* Mizutani, Ryūta, "6809 Undefined Instructions", I/O, May 1985, Kohgakusha
・原進、「FM-11 のクロックを 3MHz に」、パソコンワールド 1987年1月号、ピーシーワールドジャパン
* Hara, Susumu, "Overclocking the FM-11 to 3MHz", Pasokon World, Jan 1987, P-C-World Japan [Note: Probably not the current PCWorld founded in 1995.]

76 Oh!FM 1988-4
p. 76 Oh!FM 1988-4
[Oh!FM 1988-4: p.77]

図3 63C09で増えた命令(灰色に塗られた部分[=>*囲*])
Table 3: Instruction Extensions for the 63C09 (extensions in gray)
[In the original, the extensions were shown in gray background. Here I have put asterisks around them.]
横の列は、上からプリバイトなし、プリバイト $10付き、フリバイト $11付きの順に並んでいる。また、
Rows in the following order: without pre-byte, with $10 pre-byte, and with $11 pre-byte. Also
on the second line of each entry, the left number is the cycle count, with native cycle count in parenthesis. The right number is the byte count.

[原稿の編集に因る誤植在り。 Original contains typographical errors.]
[The only Japanese word in the table is 「(なし)」 {"(nashi)" => "(none)"}, so it makes no real sense to repeat the table for each language. Refer to the transcription at
if necessary.]

        | DIRECT |        |        |     REL    |ACC A/D/E|ACC B/W/F|  INDEXD | EXTEND |  IMMED | DIRECT |  INDEXD | EXTEND |  IMMED | DIRECT |  INDEXD | EXTEND |
        |0000xxxx|0001xxxx|0010xxxx|  0011xxxx  | 0100xxxx| 0101xxxx| 0110xxxx|0111xxxx|1000xxxx|1001xxxx| 1010xxxx|1011xxxx|1100xxxx|1101xxxx| 1110xxxx|1111xxxx|
        |   0x   |   1x   |   2x   |     3x     |    4x   |    5x   |    6x   |   7x   |   8x   |   9x   |    Ax   |   Bx   |   Cx   |   Dx   |    Ex   |   Fx   |
 0000 0 |   NEG  |  (PRE) |   BRA  |    LEAX    |   NEGA  |   NEGB  |   NEG   |   NEG  |  SUBA  |  SUBA  |   SUBA  |  SUBA  |  SUBB  |  SUBB  |   SUBB  |  SUBB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | (BYTE1)|   3,2  |    4+,2+   |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |        |*   addr   *|*  negd *|         |         |        |* subw *|* subw *|*  subw *|* subw *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |        |     4,3    | 3(2),2) |         |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3)|7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   band   *|         |         |         |        |* sube *|* sube *|*  sube *|* sube *|* subf *|* subf *|*  subf *|* subf *|
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |         |         |         |        |   3,3  |  (4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |
 0001 1 |*  oim *|  (PRE) |   BRN  |    LEAY    |         |         |*  oim  *|*  oim *|  CMPA  |  CMPA  |  CMPA   |  CMPA  |  CMPB  |  CMPB  |   CMPB  |  CMPB  |
 (none) |   6,3  | (BYTE2)|   3,2  |    4+,2+   |         |         |  7+,3+  |   7,4  |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBRN  |*   adcr   *|         |         |         |        |* cmpw *|* cmpw *|* cmpw  *|* cmpw *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |   5,4  |     4,3    |         |         |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3)|7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   biand  *|         |         |         |        |* cmpe *|* cmpe *|*  cmpe *|* cmpe *|* cmpf *|* cmpf *|*  cmpf *|* cmpf *|
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |         |         |         |        |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |
 0010 2 |*  aim *|   NOP  |   BHI  |    LEAS    |         |         |*  aim  *|*  aim *|  SBCA  |  SBCA  |  SBCA   |  SBCA  |  SBCB  |  SBCB  |   SBCB  |  SBCB  |
 (none) |   6,3  | 2(1),1 |   3,2  |    4+,2+   |         |         |  7+,3+  |   7,4  |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBHI  |*   subr   *|         |         |         |        |* sbcd *|* sbcd *|* sbcd  *|* sbcd *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |         |         |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3)|7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*    bor   *|         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 0011 3 |   COM  |  SYNC  |   BLS  |    LEAU    |   COMA  |   COMB  |   COM   |   COM  |  SUBD  |  SUBD  |  SUBD   |  SUBD  |  ADDD  |  ADDD  |   ADDD  |  ADDD  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 |   2,1  |   3,2  |    4+,2+   |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 | 4(3),3 | 6(4),2 |6+(5+),2+| 7(5),3 | 4(3),3 | 6(4),2 |6+(5+),2+| 7(5),3 |
        |        |        |  LBLS  |*   sbcr   *|*  comd *|*  comw *|         |        |  CMPD  |  CMPD  |   CMPD  |  CMPD  |        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3)|7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   bior   *|*  come *|*  comf *|         |        |  CMPU  |  CMPU  |   CMPU  |  CMPU  |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3)|7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
 0100 4 |   LSR  |  sexw  | BHS/BCC|    PSHS    |   LSRA  |   LSRB  |   LSR   |   LSR  |  ANDA  |  ANDA  |  ANDA   |  ANDA  |  ANDB  |  ANDB  |   ANDB  |  ANDB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 |   4,1  |   3,2  |  5+(4+),2  |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |LBHS/BCC|*   andr   *|*  lsrd *|*  lsrw *|         |        |* andd *|* andd *|*  andd *|* andd *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3)|7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   beor   *|         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 0101 5 |   eim  |        | BLO/BCS|    PULS    |         |         |*  eim  *|*  eim *|  BITA  |  BITA  |  BITA   |  BITA  |  BITB  |  BITB  |  BITB   |  BITB  |
 (none) |   6,3  |        |   3,2  |  5+(4+),2  |         |         |  7+,3+  |   7,4  |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |LBLU/BCS|*    orr   *|         |         |         |        |* bitd *|* bitd *|*  bitd *|* bitd *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |         |         |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   bieor  *|         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 0110 6 |   ROR  |  LBRA  |   BNE  |    PSHU    |   RORA  |   RORB  |   ROR   |   ROR  |   LDA  |   LDA  |   LDA   |   LDA  |   LDB  |   LDB  |   LDB   |   LDB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | 5(4),3 |   3,2  |  5+(4+),2  |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  |   2,2  | 7(6),3 | 4(3),2 |   4+,2+ | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBNE  |*   eorr   *|*  rord *|*  rorw *|         |        |*  ldw *|*  ldw *|*  ldw  *|*  ldw *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        |   4,4  | 6(5),3 |  6+,3+  | 7(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   ldbt   *|         |         |         |        |*  lde *|*  lde *|*  lde  *|*  lde *|*  ldf *|*  ldf *|*  ldf  *|*  ldf *|
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   7(6),4   |         |         |         |        |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |
 0111 7 |   ASR  |  LBSR  |   BEQ  |    PULU    |   ASRA  |   ASRB  |   ASR   |   ASR  |        |   STA  |   STA   |   STA  |        |   STB  |   STB   |   STB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | 9(7),2 |   3,2  |  5+(4+),2  |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 |        | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |        | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBEQ  |*   cmpr   *|*  asrd *|         |         |        |        |*  stw *|*  stw  *|*  stw *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |  3(2),2 |         |         |        |        | 6(5),3 |  6+,3+  | 7(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*   stbt   *|         |         |         |        |        |*  ste *|*  ste  *|*  ste *|        |*  stf *|*  stf  *|*  stf *|
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   8(7),4   |         |         |         |        |        | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |        | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |
 1000 8 | ASL/LSL|        |   BVC  |            |ASLA/LSLA|ASLB/LSLB| ASL/LSL | ASL/LSL|  EORA  |  EORA  |   EORA  |  EORA  |  EORB  |  EORB  |   EORB  |  EORB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 |        |   3,2  |            |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBVC  |*   pshsw  *|*  asld *|         |         |        |* eord *|* eord *|*  eord *|* eord *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|    5/6,2   |  3(2),2 |         |         |        | 5(4),4 | 5(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*tfm(r+,r+)*|         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   6+3n,3   |         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 1001 9 |   ROL  |   DAA  |   BVS  |     RTS    |   ROLA  |   ROLB  |   ROL   |   ROL  |  ADCA  |  ADCA  |   ADCA  |  ADCA  |  ADCB  |  ADCB  |  ADCB   |  ADCB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | 2(1),1 |   3,2  |   5(4),1   |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  |   2,2  | 7(6),3 | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBVS  |*   pulsw  *|*  rold *|*  rolw *|         |        |* adcd *|* adcd *|*  adcd *|* adcd *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     6,2    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |*tfm(r-,r-)*|         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |  6+3n,3    |         |         |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 1010 A |   DEC  |  ORCC  |   BPL  |     ABX    |   DECA  |   DECB  |   DEC   |   DEC  |   ORA  |   ORA  |   ORA   |   ORA  |   ORB  |   ORB  |   ORB   |   ORB  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | 3(2),2 |   3,2  |   3(1),1   |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBPL  |*   pshuw  *|*  decd *|*  decw *|         |        |*  ord *|*  crd *|*   ord *|*  ord *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     6,2    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |* tfm(r+,r)*|*  dece *|*  decf *|         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   6+3n,3   |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        |        |        |         |        |        |        |         |        |
 1011 B |*  tim *|        |   BMI  |     RTI    |         |         |*  tim  *|*  tim *|  ADDA  |  ADDA  |   ADDA  |  ADDA  |  ADDB  |  ADDB  |  ADDB   |  ADDB  |
 (none) |   4,3  |        |   3,2  | 6/15(17),1 |         |         |  5+,3+  |   5,4  |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |   2,2  | 4(3),2 |  4+,2+  | 5(4),3 |
        |        |        |  LBMI  |*   puluw  *|         |         |         |        |* addw *|* addw *|*  addw *|* addw *|        |        |         |        |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|     4,3    |         |         |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
        |        |        |        |* tfm(r,r+)*|         |         |         |        |* adde *|* adde *|*  adde *|* adde *|* addf *|* addf *|*  addf *|* addf *|
 ($11)  |        |        |        |   6+3n,3   |         |         |         |        |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |   3,3  | 5(4),3 |  5+,3+  | 6(5),4 |
 1100 C |   INC  |  ANDCC |   BGE  |    CWAI    |   INCA  |   INCB  |   INC   |   INC  |  CMPX  |  CMPX  |   CMPX  |  CMPX  |   LDD  |   LDD  |   LDD   |   LDD  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | 3(2),2 |   3,2  |  20(22),2  |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 | 4(3),3 | 6(4),2 |6+(5+),2 | 7(5),3)|   3,3  | 5(4),2 |  5+,2+  | 6(5),3 |
        |        |        |  LBGE  |            |*  incd *|*  incw *|         |        |  CMPY  |  CMPY  |   CMPY  |  CMPY  |        |*  ldq *|*  ldq  *|*  ldq *|
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|            |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        | 8(7),3 |  8+,3+  | 9(8),4 |
        |        |        |        |*   BITMD  *|*  ince *|*  incf *|         |        |  CMPS  |  CMPS  |   CMPS  |  CMPS  |        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |     4,3    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        | 5(4),4 | 7(5),3 |7+(6+),3+| 8(6),4 |        |        |         |        |
 1101 D |   TST  |   SEX  |   BLT  |     MUL    |   TSTA  |   TSTB  |   TST   |   TST  |   BSR  |   JSR  |   JSR   |   JSR  |*  ldq *|   STD  |   STD   |   STD  |
 (none) | 6(4),2 | 2(1),1 |   3,2  |  11(10),1  |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |6+(5+),2+| 7(6),3 | 7(6),2 | 7(6),2 | 7+(6+),2| 8(6),4 |   5,5  | 5(4),2 |  5+,2+  | 6(5),3 |
        |        |        |  LBLT  |            |*  tstd *|*  tstw *|         |        |        |        |         |        |        |*  stq *|*  stq  *|*  stq *|
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|            |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        |        |        |         |        |        | 8(7),3 |  8+,3+  | 9(8),4 |
        |        |        |        |*   ldmd   *|*  tste *|*  tstf *|         |        |* divd *|* divd *|*  divd *|* divd *|        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |     5,3    |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        |  25,3  |27(26),3|  27+,3+ |28(27),4|        |        |         |        |
 1110 E |   JMP  |   EXG  |   BGT  |            |         |         |   JMP   |   JMP  |   LDX  |   LDX  |   LDX   |   LDX  |   LDU  |   LDU  |   LDU   |   LDU  |
 (none) | 3(2),2 | 8(5),2 |   3,2  |            |         |         |  3+,2+  | 4(3),3 |   3,3  | 5(4),2 |  5+,2+  | 6(5),3 |   3,3  | 5(4),2 |  5+,2+  | 6(5),3 |
        |        |        |  LBGT  |            |         |         |         |        |   LDY  |   LDY  |   LDY   |   LDY  |   LDS  |   LDS  |   LDS   |   LDS  |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|            |         |         |         |        |   4,4  | 6(5),3 |6+(6+),3+| 7(6),4 |   4,4  | 6(5),3 |6+(6+),3+| 7(6),4 |
        |        |        |        |            |         |         |         |        |* divq *|* divq *|*  divq *|* divq *|        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |            |         |         |         |        |  34,4  |36(35),3|  36+,3+ |37(36),4|        |        |         |        |
 1111 F |   CLR  |   TFR  |   BLE  |     SWI    |   CLRA  |   CLRB  |   CLR   |   CLR  |        |   STX  |   STX   |   STX  |        |   STU  |   STU   |   STU  |
 (none) | 6(5),2 | 6(4),2 |   3,2  |  19(21),1  |  2(1),1 |  2(1),1 |  6+,2+  | 7(6),3 |        | 5(4),2 |  5+,2+  | 6(5),3 |        | 5(4),2 |  5+,2+  | 6(5),3 |
        |        |        |  LBLE  |    SWI2    |*  clrD *|*  clrw *|         |        |        |   STY  |   STY   |   STY  |        |   STS  |   STS   |   STS  |
 ($10)  |        |        |5/6(5),4|  20(22),2  |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        |        | 6(5),3 |6+(6+),3+| 7(6),4 |        | 6(5),3 |6+(6+),3+| 7(6),4 |
        |        |        |        |    SWI3    |*  clre *|*  clrf *|         |        |* muld *|* muld *|*  muld *|* muld *|        |        |         |        |
 ($11)  |        |        |        |  20(22),2  |  3(2),2 |  3(2),2 |         |        |  28,4  |30(29),3|  30+,3+ |31(30),4|        |        |         |        |

[** These are the typographical errors I noticed in the above table: ]
[** Several other places appear to be errors and need to be checked.]
[*1* Cycle count for sube direct mode ($1190) is clearly a typo, see subf: (4),3 => 5(4),3 .]
[*2* Long branches with dual mnemonics (LBHS/LBCC=$1024 and LBLO/LBCS=$1025) abbreviate the second mnemonic in the original to fit the table.]
[*3* First mnemonic (LBLU) for LBLO/LBCS ($1025) is a typo.]
[*4* The cycle and byte counts for ROR extended ($76) and LDA immediate ($86) are swapped: ROR extended => 7(6),3 and LDA immediate => 2,2 .]
[*5* The byte count for LBSR ($17) is a typo: 2=>3 .]
[*6* The cycle and byte counts for ROL extended ($79) and ADCA immediate ($89) are swapped: ROL extended => 7(6),3 and ADCA immediate => 2,2 .]
[*7* The mnemonic for (crd) for ord direct ($109A) is a typo.]
[*8* The cycle and byte counts for puluw ($103B) appear to be a typo.]
[*9* The byte count for CMPX indexed ($AC) is a typo: 2=>2+ .]
[*10* The op-code at which ldq immediate is shown ($CD) looks maybe out-of-place (=>$10CC?), needs to be checked.]
[*11* The cycle counts for LDY, STY, LDS, and STS indexed ($10AE, $10EE, $11AE, $11EE) look odd: 6+(6+), need to be checked.]
[*12* The mnemonic for clrd ($104F) is a typo: clrD .]

Oh!FM 1988-4 77
Oh! FM 1988-4 p. 77

[Google Translate output below (Yes, it turns into mush pretty quick.):]

16-bit multiplication / division / register-to-register operation / block transfer is possible
Super 8-bit class MPU
Search for extended functions of 63C09
63C09 Analysis Committee UNO

There is an LSI called 63C09 in the minor change version of 6809. Some users who are strong in hardware have bought the high speed and used it to modify the main body. However, I recently found out that various extensions were hidden in this 63C09. Here, we would like to ask the "63C09 Analysis Committee" who has discovered and explored these functions to report the outline.

In addition, if the main body is modified, especially the CPU is replaced, the manufacturer's repair is not guaranteed, and other peripheral LSIs and peripheral devices may have to be replaced. In addition, 63C09 is a part of the conventional software (6C09). Or many) may not work, so I would not recommend it to anyone other than those who are very confident in their skills, such as "I only use my own programs!".

High-speed version of 6809 63C09

There are various ways to enjoy a personal computer, but there is a hardware modification as a play that is only allowed for the soldiers of that line. Various modifications have been made since ancient times, but among them, the speedup of the CPU is widespread among program self-made groups who do not care about commercial software because the processing power is significantly improved and it can be done relatively easily. It has been tried. In the old days, he changed his 68A09 (1.2 MHz) loaded on FM-8 to 68B09 (2 MHz) and gave it the same processing speed as FM-7. Clocking up and running at 2.5-4 MHz is a typical example.

Some people may think, "Well, 2.5 ~ 4MHz was such a fast 6809", but it actually exists. Hitachi's 63C09 MPU sold at chip stores in Akihabara and Nihonbashi is the C-MOS version of the 6809, which runs at 3 MHz. If you follow the normal, he will have 1.5 times the processing power of 68B09 (2 MHz), and if you select and use the one that operates at 4 MHz, which is out of the standard, it will be twice the processing power.

He uses the 63C09 to speed things up, so it's basically as simple as swapping the CPU and clock, but sometimes that's not enough. For models such as FM-8, 7, 77D1 / D2 / L4, 77AV, 11 where the CPU is plugged into the socket, simply replace it, but like FM-NEW7, 77AV20 / 40 / 20EX / 40EX. For models that are soldered directly to the board, the CPU will not pull out unless you have a considerable amount of skill. Also, if the clock is up, peripheral LSIs and peripheral devices may not be able to catch up, in which case they must be replaced, but it will be difficult if custom LSIs are frequently used such as AV systems. It is quite difficult to clock up with a 7 / AV system that operates at a delicate timing, and even though the clock is up, the built-in timer and software timing are used for protection and other processing at the end. Most of the commercially available application software will be useless.

By the way, the speedup is accompanied by these various difficulties, but the result is more than compensated for the hardship.

By the way, taking the case of FM-11 as an example, it seems that the limit is about 2.5 to 3 MHz if only the CPU is replaced, and if you want more than that, it seems that you need to replace some peripheral LSIs. The 11 can also speed up the subsystem, up to 4 MHz with some modifications. In particular, the display speed of his FM-11 subsystem, which has been converted to 4 MHz, is remarkable, and the display speed of Chinese characters is not much different from that of FM16β, which has a Chinese character VRAM.

Discovery of extensions

So, the veteran heroes around me made speedup improvements to his FM-11 one after another, but there was one strange problem.

Comas word processor WPV3 has stopped working. At first I thought it was a soft timing issue or something mentioned above, but to my surprise, he dropped the clock to 2 MHz and it didn't work.

Then, the cause investigation began with his friend Gigo as the center, but soon it turned out that he was caught by an undefined order of 6809. An undefined instruction is an instruction that is not defined in the manual published by the manufacturer, and although it is supposed that even if such an instruction is used, it does not work at all, but it is actually hidden. Sometimes it is an order. A long time ago, computer magazines often contained analysis articles on hidden instructions of CPUs made by various companies. like this

72 Oh! FM 1988-4 Warning: If you replace the CPU with 63C09, a lot of commercial applications (especially games) will not work.
[Oh! FM 1988-4: p.73]

There was a hidden order in 6809, though it wasn't that big of a deal. Now, the fact that he treats undefined instructions differently between 63C09 and 6809 means that hidden instructions may also be different. Considering the shipping start time of 63C09 (Autumn 1985), it was natural that some functions were added, and I was expecting "maybe".

One of the code that was stuck was "$ 1F, $ 62". The instruction itself is familiar to him in his TFR (data transfer instruction between registers), but he is instructed to transfer from an undefined register to the Y register. In the case of 6809, $ FFFF is returned in the Y register because it is undefined, but in the case of 63C09, the Y register contains a messed up [value]. As an attempt, when I transferred the data from the Y register to the undefined register number and then returned from the undefined register number to the Y register, the original data remained properly ... In other words, the undefined register number in 63C09 wasn't too undefined, it was a number pointing to a real register!

Discovering the hidden register, his Gigo was ecstasy and ecstasyly called his friend. And it was too late for me at night [dead of the night] ... The content of the story is "63C09 has an extra register. There must be an instruction because there is a register. Let's find out by hand with everyone", then the day to search for hidden instructions begins, and the disassembly table The monotonous task of writing unallocated code in memory with a debugger, setting breakpoints, setting values ​​in registers with TFR and executing them, and looking at the contents of the registers was repeated. While exchanging information on the results found that day through personal computer communication, enthusiasts who are doing his OS-9 on FM-11, which is almost sick, gathered, "63C09 Analysis Committee" Group naturally occurred.

Mania's obsession was horrifying, and soon the outline of his 36C09 extension was revealed. To outline
・ Three types of registers have been added, one of which can be used as an accumulator and index register.
・ Instructions such as 32 ÷ 16 bit division, 16 ÷ 8 bit division, 16 × 16 bit multiplication, register-to-register operation, bit operation, and block transfer have been expanded.
・ Trap is applied when an undefined instruction is detected.
・ It has two operation modes, 6809 compatible mode and 63C09 original mode.
By the way, he has improved the inconveniences and weaknesses of the 6809 considerably, and also includes powerful functions that do not seem to be an 8-bit MPU.

These analysis results have been uploaded to several BBSs, starting with NANNO-NET. We received a lot of feedback from many networkers, but in order for more people to know the whole picture of "8-bit MPU over 8 bits" 63C09 [zenbo = entire body], Oh! FM I will borrow it from the magazine and report it.

merit and demerit

The HD63C09 sold by Hitachi is Motorola's MC6809 and pin-compatible 8-bit MPU. The MPU specification is a form of the 6809 with extensions added, and is a high-level compatibility of the 6809 (except for undefined instructions). Although it has not been officially announced by Hitachi, the processing power of the 6809 PC can be greatly improved by taking advantage of the extended functions of the 63C09.

The merit of replacing the MPU of the 6809 personal computer with 63C09 is the improvement of processing capacity. The following three points can be considered as the factors.

1 High-speed clock
2 Extension instruction / extension register
3 Native mode

1 is a matter of course, and if you raise the operating clock of the MPU, the execution speed of the software will increase. Conventional software can be operated at high speed, except for some parts that are caught due to undefined instruction traps and software timers. The rate of increase of the operating clock varies depending on the hardware, and in some cases it can hardly be increased.

2 is effective when writing new software or applying a patch to existing software. With the conventional 6809, the equivalent of the processing expressed by the macro function of the assembler can now be written with one instruction of his 63C09, and the machine cycle can be shortened.

3 is caused by the instruction execution cycle being shorter than in the normal emulation mode when switching to the 63C09 specific mode. Using this mode, even with the same operating clock, the execution speed will be up to 20 to 30% faster than usual (the effect will differ depending on the addressing mode). However, there are differences in operation due to stacking and interrupts, so in order to use native mode, it is necessary to rewrite a part of the system such as F-BASIC or his OS-9.

On the contrary, the disadvantages are that not only the software that uses the undefined instructions of 6809 but also the commercial software that uses many built-in timers and others will malfunction, and the extended function of 63C09. In order to utilize them, it is necessary to have a certain level of skill to create development tools to utilize them, and it can be said that the difficulty for Novice is that it is difficult.

Comparing the merits and demerits, at present, people who just lack the program can benefit from it, but ordinary game users and app users should never touch it.

Then, I will explain the extended functions of 63C09 in order below.

Expansion register

In 63C09, the number of registers has increased by 3 from 6809 (Fig. 1). Two are 16-bit registers and the other is an 8-bit mode status register.

W register [16 bits]
A 16-bit register that can be used both as an accumulator and as an index register.

When used as an accumulator, 16 bits

Oh! FM 1988-4 73
[Oh! FM 1988-4: p.74]

It can also be used as a register by dividing it into two 8-bit registers (E / F registers). It's just like adding another set of existing D / A / B registers. However, some instructions, such as AND / OR, cannot be used with W / E / F registers.

Also, it can be used as a 32-bit register (Q register) by concatenating it with the existing D register, and is used for multiplication and division.

When using it as an index register, use it in the same way as the existing X / Y register. In this case, use a bit pattern that was not used for postbytes in 6809. There is no accumulator offset, 5-bit offset, or 8-bit constant offset when using the W register as an index register.

Also, as a characteristic usage, there is a method of using it as a counter register in block transfer.

V register [16 bits]
Instructions that use the V register are limited to inter-register operation instructions and TFR. The feature of the V register is that the value of the register does not change even if the MPU is reset. This register will be useful for the purpose of holding constants etc. in the OS etc.

  MD register [8 bits]
Abbreviation for mode / status bit register, which is used to display
  the modes and statuses that have increased in 63C09, such as
 error detection during division execution,
 operation check of undefined instruction traps,
 and operation mode settings.

The meaning of each bit is as follows:
・ 1 is set when bit 7 R division is divided by 0
・ Bit 6 R 1 is set when fetching an undefined instruction
・ Bit 1 W Register save mode setting bit during FIRQ
  At 0-> FIRQ, only PC to CC is saved to the stack
  Evacuate all registers at 1-> FIRQ
・ Bit 0 W Operation mode setting bit
0-> emulated mode
1-> Native mode

At reset, all bits are set to 0.

Figure 1 63C09 register configuration
| ---------- Q ---------- |
| ---- D ---- | | ---- W ---- |
| -A- | | -B- | | -E- | | -F- | Accumulator
----------- | ---- X ---- | X index register
----------- | ---- Y ---- | Y index register
----------- | ---- U ---- | User stack pointer
----------- | ---- S ---- | System stack pointer
----------- | --- PC ---- | Program counter
----------- | ---- V ---- | V (alue) register
----------- | --- DP ---- | Direct page register
----------------- | CC- | Condition code register
----------------- | MD- | Mode / Status Register

action mode

63C09 has two operation modes. One is an emulated mode that is compatible with the 6809, and the other is a native mode that brings out the original functions of his 63C09.

Speaking of which, some people may think that "extended registers and extended instructions can be used in native mode, and cannot be used in emulated mode", but that is a mistake. The 63C09 accepts extended registers and extended instructions in either mode.

The difference between emulated mode and native mode is the handling of the stack at the time of interaction. When an interrupt is applied, the contents of the register are saved on the stack. At that time, the emulated mode saves only the conventional register, and the native mode saves the W register of the extended register as well.

Immediately after resetting 63C09, it is set to emulate mode. In this mode he has to be careful when using extended registers for multitasking instead of the 6809 software working fine. For example, consider the case of using the block transfer instruction TFM that uses the W register of the extension register as a counter. Let's say that in task A he interrupts while using the TFM instruction and moves to task B. If the W register is used in task B at that time, the contents of the W register will be changed when returning to the original task A, which will cause a malfunction (of course, when using it in a single task or multi). Even for tasks, there is no problem when the expansion register is used for only one task). Therefore, in emulated mode, you must disable interrupts each time you use an extended register, save this register on the stack, and then switch to another task.

This makes it difficult to use expansion registers from high-speed games and OS-9, and also causes difficult-to-use expansion instructions. Therefore, there is a native mode, which is a mode that assumes the use of extended registers and extended instructions. Interrupts in this mode save registers on the stack in the order of PC, U, Y, X, DP, W, D, CC and enter interrupt processing. Note that W is between DP and D. This means that D and W are pushed onto the stack as his 32-bit register pair Q.

Another feature of the native mode is the shortening of the instruction machine cycle. As a result, it runs 20-35% faster depending on the addressing mode.

The effect is particularly noticeable in direct, extend, and inherant [kencho = remarkable, striking, conspicuous].

74 Oh! FM 1988-4
[Oh! FM 1988-4: p.75]

Please note that the V register and MD register are not saved due to their nature even in native mode.

To switch from the emulated mode to the native mode, write 1 to bit 0 (LSB) of the newly installed MD gista.

By the way, in addition to the above two modes, the 63C09 mode has a FIRQ stack evacuation mode. As you know, in 6809 fetching FIRQ saves only PC and CC to the stack and branches to the interrupt processing routine. However, in the case of a board microcomputer for control, there are cases where it is more convenient to have another IRQ than FIRQ. However, the 63C09 is pin compatible with the 6809, so you can't change the placement of your feet. So, so that FIRQ can be used as his IRQ, the mode can be switched softly so that all registers save the stack. Using FIRQ as an IRQ is achieved by writing 1 to bit 1 of the MD register.


63C09 will be trapped when the following phenomena occur.

1 When an undefined instruction is fetched
When he divides by 0 with a DIV instruction in a two-division instruction

When trapped, S in the order of PC, U, Y, X, DP, B, A, CC in emulated mode, and in the order of PC, U, Y, X, DP, W, B, A, CC in native mode. After pushing the register to the register, it branches to the vector written at the address of $ FFF0 ($ FFF0 is RESERVE in 6809). This trap has the next interrupt priority for reset. As an instruction to determine whether it is an undefined instruction or a zero divide.
 There is a BITMD instruction.

Because of this trap, the software of 6809 that uses undefined instructions will not work, but instead you will be able to build the trap library used in OS-9 / 68000 etc. For example, assigning a floating-point processor call to an undefined instruction allows the instruction to be hooked into an undefined instruction trap and skipped to a processing routine. This trap library can be useful because it can significantly reduce the size of objects.

Extension instruction

The 63C09 extension instruction can be divided into an additional instruction that increases the corresponding register of the existing instruction and a newly established instruction.

Newly installed instructions include inter-register operation instructions, block transfer instructions, multiplication / division instructions, bit operation instructions, bit operation / transfer instructions, and so on.

Additional instructions

In 63C09, the existing instructions have been expanded and the corresponding registers have increased.

For example, TSTD, ADCD, etc., which were unlikely until now, have been added. These can be expressed using macros on the assembler in the past, but by using them, the machine cycle can be shortened.

Also, for instructions such as ADD and SUB, the number of corresponding instructions is increasing due to the increase in E / F / W registers. It's like having another set of A / B / D registers, giving you more programming flexibility. However, note that not all instructions that can be used in the A / B / D registers are supported (Fig. 2).

Among the existing instructions, the TFR and EXG instructions are probably the ones with the highest degree of addition. In the TFR and EXG instructions, the postbyte bit pattern is used to specify the target register. Since the number of registers is increasing in 63C09, the combination of bit patterns is also increasing (0110-> W, 0111-> V, 1110-> E, 1111-> F), and it is in a good state even if it is register addressing. I am. This register addressing is also used in the register-to-register operations of new instructions. One thing to keep in mind here is that 63C09 and 6809 behave differently if you specify a true undefined register number.


Figure 2 Processing that can be performed with the accumulator
       A | B | E | F | D | W | Q |
CLR | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
INC | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
DEC | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
TST | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
COM | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
NEG | o | o | | | o | | |
SEX | o * | o * | | | o * | o * | |
ASL / LSL | o | o | | | o | | |
ASR | o | o | | | o | | |
LSR | o | o | | | o | o | |
ROL | o | o | | | o | o | |
LD | o | o | o | o | o | o | o |
ST | o | o | o | o | o | o | o |
ADD | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
SUB | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
CMP | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
ADC | o | o | | | o | | |
SBC | o | o | | | o | | |
AND | o | o | | | o | | |
OR | o | o | | | o | | |
EOR | o | o | | | o | | |
BIT | o | o | | | o | | |
MUL | o * | o * | | | o | | |
DIV | | | | | | | o |
                  * Used as work

Inter-register operation instruction

Most of the operations on the 6809 were done with register-to-memory or immediate values. Therefore, if we wanted to AND the values ​​of the A and B registers, we had to store either register in memory before performing the operation (AND in this case). This has been resolved in 63C09, which allows register-to-register operations. They use the same register addressing as TFR and EXG.

The inter-register operation instructions are as follows.


Block transfer instruction

When moving the data in the memory with 6809, once the data was loaded into the register, it was saved repeatedly. This is fine, but the problem is the time it takes to process it. Therefore, the 63C09 also has a block transfer instruction that is also found on the Z80 and 8086.

Oh! FM 1988-4 75
[Oh! FM 1988-4: p.76]

In the block transfer instruction, 1 to 2 of the 16-bit registers D / X / Y / U / S registers are used to specify the transfer source address (source) and transfer destination address (destination). Postbytes are used to specify registers, which take the form of register addressing. You can also specify the source and destination in the same register. Use the W register to count the number of bytes to transfer.

There are four types of transfer methods. In addition to normal block transfer in the forward direction (TFM r0 +, r1 +) / reverse direction (TFM r0-, r1-), data is flowed one after another to addresses such as I / O ports (TFM r0 +, r1-). There are TFM ro +, r1) and those that fill the specified block with the specified value (TFM r0, r1 +).

Multiply / divide instruction

The 6809 had an 8-bit 8-bit multiplication instruction called MUL, but this was just a multiplication of the values ​​of the A register and the B register. The 16x16-bit multiplication instruction (MULD) provided by the 63C09 allows you to use various addressing modes, which is more like a new installation than an addition.

In addition, the 63C09 is equipped with 16/8 bit division (DIVD) and 32/16 bit division (DIVQ), which also allow various addressing modes to be used.

Bit manipulation instruction (6301 compatible instruction)

Hitachi's HD6301 has a bit manipulation instruction as an extension instruction for 6801.
Although it was new, his 63C09 in the same 63 series has the same instructions. These instructions logically operate the immediate data and the contents of the memory, return the result to the memory, and change the related condition code, which is useful when manipulating bit patterns.

Logical operations that can be performed include logical product (AIM), logical sum (OIM), exclusive logical sum (EIM), and logical product condition code (TIM). The composition of the object is

<Instruction code>, <Bit position>, <Operand>

It is in the order of.

Using these instructions, the 6301 instruction can be executed on 63C09 using the macro assembler. In other words, it may be possible to run embedded programs such as OASYS Lite on FM, which is also a delicious instruction (although you have to disassemble the ROM with guts before that).

Bit operation / transfer instruction

63C09 probably has I / O-aware bit operation / transfer instructions. These instructions have the drawback that they only support direct mode for addressing mode, but once you get used to it, you'll find it useful. Most of the behavior is to logically operate the bit n of the LABEL of the direct page and the bit m of the REG register and put them in the REG register. The bit operation / transfer instructions are as follows.


The composition of the object is

<Instruction code ($ 11, $ xx)>, <Post byte>, <Operand>

And, it takes a fairly irregular configuration. Operand is direct addressing only. Postbytes also take a special form.

Other orders

As other commands, there is a mode switching command first. However, the transition from emulated mode to native mode is done by writing 1 to bit 0 (LSB) of the MD register, so use the usual LD ​​instructions for the MD register.

The next time a trap is applied, there is an instruction BITMD to check whether it was caused by an undefined instruction or a division error. It looks at the status bits (bits 7 or 6) of the MD register and tells you where the trap occurred. However, executing this instruction clears the status bits (bits 7 and 6) of the MD register, so you can only check once for undefined code traps or Divide by Zero traps.

And there is something about the stack. The 63C09 has more registers, but the current PSHS / PSHU does not allow them to be saved on the stack. This is because the PSHS / PSHU and PULS / PULU post bytes are all already allocated and there is no room for additional. Therefore, in 63C09, the stack operation to the added register is a separate instruction.


Is used. However, this is only for the W register. Therefore, these are only Inheren and Addressing without postbytes.

in conclusion

I have explained the outline of the functions hidden in 63C09. Most of the features that I wanted to add to the 6809 with + α are included, which is good news for the 6809 group. However, unfortunately, the appearance time was late, so the place of activity was limited to the modification of personal computers or industrial one-board microcomputers. As for gaming PCs, with the current situation where he is starting to use 16-bit CPUs such as the 68000 series, the 8086 series, and the 65816, it is unlikely that manufacturers will ship PCs loaded with the 63C09. It is a pity that it can only be used for remodeling FM-11 etc. that does not depend on the market application for the time being.

In compiling this article, in addition to the materials I analyzed, I referred to the materials analyzed by the members of the 63C09 Analysis Committee (especially his Gigo and his Miyazaki). 63C09 We would like to thank the people involved in the analysis committee for their cooperation.


・ 63C09 Analysis Committee, "New Year's gift 63C09 had a hidden function", NANNO-NET, January 1, 1988-
-Motorola, "MC6809-MC-6809E Microprocessor Programming Manual", CQ Publishing, 1982
・ "6809 Instruction Pocket Book", Oh! FM 1983 No. 4, Japan Softbank
・ Ryuta Mizutani, "Undefined Order of 6809", I / O May 1985, Engineering Co., Ltd.
・ Susumu Hara, "Clock of FM-11 to his 3MHz", PC World January 1987 issue, PC World Japan

76 Oh! FM 1988-4
[Oh! FM 1988-4: p.77]

Fig. 3 Instructions increased in 63C09 (gray part [=> * box *])
The horizontal columns are from top to bottom with no prebytes, with prebytes $ 10, and with freebytes $ 11. again,
The number on the lower left side of each item is the number of cycles, and the value in parentheses is the value in native mode. The right side is the command length.

[There is a typographical error due to the editing of the manuscript. Original contains typographical errors.]
================================================= ================================================= ================================================= =========== |
        0000xxxx | 0001xxxx | 0010xxxx | 0011xxxx | 0100xxxx | 0101xxxx | 0110xxxx | 0111xxxx | 1000xxxx | 1001xxxx | 1010xxxx | 1011xxxx | 1100xxxx | 1101xxxx | 1110xxxx | 1111xxxx |
        0x | 1x | 2x | 3x | 4x | 5x | 6x | 7x | 8x | 9x | Ax | Bx | Cx | Dx | Ex | Fx |
================================================= ================================================= ================================================= =========== |
 0000 0 | NEG | (PRE) | BRA | LEAX | NEGA | NEGB | NEG | NEG | SUBA | SUBA | SUBA | SUBA |
 (None) | 6 (5), 2 | (BYTE1) | 3,2 | 4+, 2+ | 2 (1), 1 | 2 (1), 1 | 6+, 2+ | 7 (6), 3 | 2,2 | 4 (3), 2 | 4+, 2+ | 5 (4), 3 | 2,2 | 4 (3), 2 | 4+, 2+ | 5 (4), 3 |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |- -------- | --------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | --- ----- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- -| -------- |
        | | | | * addr * | * negd * | | | | * subw * | * subw * | * subw * | * subw * | | | | |
 ($ 10) | | | | 4,3 | 3 (2), 2) | | | | 5 (4), 4 | 7 (5), 3) | 7+ (6+), 3+ | 8 (6) ), 4 | | | | |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |- -------- | --------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | --- ----- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- -| -------- |
        | | | | * band * | | | | | * sube * | * sube * | * sube * | * sube * | * subf * | * subf * | * subf * | * subf * |
 ($ 11) | | | | 7 (6), 4 | | | | | 3,3 | (4), 3 | 5 +, 3+ | 6 (5), 4 | 3,3 | 5 (4), 3 | 5+, 3+ | 6 (5), 4 |
================================================= ================================================= ================================================= =========== |
 0001 1 | * oim * | (PRE) | BRN | LEAY | | | * oim * | * oim * | CMPA | CMPA | CMPA | CMPA | CMPB | CMPB | CMPB | CMPB |
 (None) | 6,3 | (BYTE2) | 3,2 | 4+, 2+ | | | 7+, 3+ | 7,4 | 2,2 | 4 (3), 2 | 4+, 2+ 5 (4), 3 | 2,2 | 4 (3), 2 | 4+, 2+ | 5 (4), 3 |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |- -------- | --------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | --- ----- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- -| -------- |
        | | | LBRN | * adcr * | | | | | * cmpw * | * cmpw * | * cmpw * | * cmpw * | | | | |
 ($ 10) | | | 5,4 | 4,3 | | | | | 5 (4), 4 | 7 (5), 3) | 7+ (6+), 3+ | 8 (6), 4 | | | | |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |- -------- | --------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | --- ----- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- -| -------- |
        | | | | * biand * | | | | | * cmpe * | * cmpe * | * cmpe * | * cmpe * | * cmpf * | * cmpf * | * cmpf * | * cmpf * |
 ($ 11) | | | | 7 (6), 4 | | | | | 3,3 | 5 (4), 3 | 5 +, 3+ | 6 (5), 4 | 3,3 | 5 (4) , 3 | 5+, 3+ | 6 (5), 4 |
================================================= ================================================= ================================================= =========== |
 0010 2 | * aim * | NOP ​​| BHI | LEAS | | | * aim * | * aim * | SBCA | SBCA | SBCA | SBCA | SBCB | SBCB | SBCB | SBCB |
 (None) | 6,3 | 2 (1), 1 | 3,2 | 4+, 2+ | | | 7+, 3+ | 7,4 | 2,2 | 4 (3), 2 | 4+ , 2+ | 5 (4), 3 | 2,2 | 4 (3), 2 | 4+, 2+ | 5 (4), 3 |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |- -------- | --------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | --- ----- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- -| -------- |
        | | | LBHI | * subr * | | | | | * sbcd * | * sbcd * | * sbcd * | * sbcd * | | | | |
 ($ 10) | | | 5/6 (5), 4 | 4,3 | | | | | 5 (4), 4 | 7 (5), 3) | 7+ (6+), 3+ | 8 ( 6), 4 | | | | |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------------ |- -------- | --------- | --------- | -------- | -------- | --- ----- | --------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ------- -| -------- |
        | | | | * bor * | | | |