Misunderstanding Computers

Why do we insist on seeing the computer as a magic box for controlling other people?
Why do we want so much to control others when we won't control ourselves?

Computer memory is just fancy paper, CPUs are just fancy pens with fancy erasers, and the network is just a fancy backyard fence.
コンピュータの記憶というものはただ改良した紙ですし、CPU 何て特長ある筆に特殊の消しゴムがついたものにすぎないし、ネットワークそのものは裏庭の塀が少し拡大されたものぐらいです。

(original post/元の投稿 -- defining computers site/コンピュータを定義しようのサイト)

Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Bird's-eye View of an Alternate History Roadmap of the 680X and 680X0 CPUs

About the time I wrote a critique of the 680X and 680XX CPUs, I also started writing an alternate history roadmap for how they developed, but I got mired down in details and the alternate history novel I was trying to write then.

Now, after a few years, I'm working on a tutorial, and I wanted something to refer to. (Partly for the construction of the tutorial, but also as my personal notes from which I hope to eventually synthesize some workable extensions to the 680X and 680XX, should I ever be able to properly retire and play with programmable logic devices. Probably only decodable by me.)

So I'm going to write that alternate history roadmap here, but deliberately leave out details. Each stage will list extensions in order of my perceived priority and probably order of development.

Of course, this should all be considered to be some random wacko daydreaming out loud on the Internet. 



Adds a parameter stack to 6805. Implements dual-port return address stack RAM to optimize calls and returns.



Adds indexable parameter stack and Y register to 68HC08,  along with 68/2805 optimized call/return via dual-port return stack, etc.


Extends the 6801, breaking object code compatibility, but maintaining one-to-one mapping from both 6800 and 6801 object code to 2801.

(1) Add SBX as complement of ABX, to aid in stack allocation, tracing relative links, and such.

(2) Move the inherent addressing mode op-codes around to facilitate adding direct-page op-codes for the unary (read-modify-write) instructions (INC/DEC, ROL/R, A/LSL/R, etc.). This would make the direct page more effective as pseudo-registers and ease the register pinch, and provide better support for such things as virtual machine registers and (hard-coded) per-task global variables.

ROM code would not be usable as-is, but a simple re-assemble would suffice in many cases. In those cases which relied on the actual object-code values of operators (as in for brittle optimizations), the assembler could flag jump and branch targets and fall-through that do not end up at valid instruction boundaries, and could analyze the value of the bytes at the target, issuing an error and an attempt to interpret the assembled value at the target as an instruction. This would allow the engineer to determine how to either provide a similar optimization or (more likely) replace the brittle optimization with something from the improved instruction set.

(3) Add 4 bits of address function outputs to allow decoding program ROM, general data, direct page, and stack separately, making it possible for the sum of system/user code, data, stack, and DP (I/O, global pseudo-registers) to be greater than 64K, make bank-switching more effective, allow isolation of system and user spaces, allow isolation of the return address stack, and potentially allow adding segment registers for engineers who like segment registers.

The index register (X) would be extended by the function code bits, to allow it to index the separate address spaces. Transfer of stack to X would set the appropriate function code, and operators for setting the function code for other spaces would be provided. (How to do this with system/user space separation?)

(4) Replace the 6801's ASLD and LSRD inherent instructions with a full set of 16-bit unary/RMW shifts ASL16/LSR16 (D/DP/[X]/EXT), and add 16-bit unary/RMW INC16/DEC16 (D/DP/[X]/EXT). This would be especially useful for things like synthesizing generalized stacks and queues and such in software, and in multiply/divide by constant powers of 2, etc.

(5) Built-in dual-port RAM blocks to optimize DP RAM and return stack RAM (call/return optimization). 

(6a) Add (two sets each for user and system) two 5-bit prefix registers for the DP lower and upper halves, lower half in system space would be nominally for I/O and upper/non-system would be nominally for global pseudo-register RAM. This would allow allocating DP spaces within the lower 8K of the physical address space, or within an 8K separate DP space, where internal dual-port RAM and I/O registers could be provided, and external I/O space decoded.

(6b) Optional standard bank-switching schemes for code and data spaces, for 128K to 512K, or for 2M to 16M. Bank switching includes address function decoding, to support isolation of spaces, also includes support for switching between user and system spaces safely.

(6c) For engineers who like segment registers, optional internal segment registers for user/system data, code, and return stack spaces, properly organized to support the dual-port RAM blocks for the process return stacks. (How to integrate this with separate stack and DP?) DP would not have additional segmentation.



This would be a 68/0801 without built-in peripherals, ROM, RAM, etc., and with pin-out and timing that matches the 6800, to be used as a near-drop-in replacement for the 6800 -- requiring source code re-assembly, but with a high probability of being able to match the original timings. 



These extensions to the 68/0801 would require op-code map extensions through one or more pre-bytes, and would pretty much implement all our real world's 68HC11 instruction and interrupt functionality, plus a separate parameter stack. Indexing from the second stack would still be by way of index registers.

(1) Extend the 68/0801 with a second (U) stack, providing UPSHA/B/X/Y and UPULA/B/X/Y, TUX/Y and TX/YU.

(2) Provide an extra Y index (more-or-less as in the 68HC11). Both index registers would be extended by 4 bits to support indexing the address spaces. Transfer of stack registers to X or Y would set the appropriate function bits, and operators to set the function bits for other spaces provided, probably as prefixed LDX/Y instructions.

(3) Add an address function code for the U stack.

(4) Add bit instructions per 68HC11, with a toggle bits instruction, as well. These would be added by way of pre-byte.

(5) MUL/DIV --  Add IDIV and FDIV per the 68HC11, using X and D. Add a 16-bit MUL X by D to X:D



Extends the 68/2801. 

Make all instructions 16-bit internal. Extend the index registers by 4 more bits between the function bits and the logical address bits. Provide 4 bits of extension between the function code constants and the 16-bit logical address bits for PC, stacks, and Extended mode addresses.  Trade the bank switching and segmentation for page-mode memory management.



6809 compatible, but 6801 equivalent cycle counts. Also, reference the 68/0801 address space extensions.

(1) DP-relative 8- and 16-bit offset modes added to index post-byte.

(2) 8-bit page zero mode added to index post-byte.

(3) IO Page register, with 8- and 16-bit offset modes in index post-byte.

(4) Address functions for data, code, DP,  IOP, return stack, parameter stack, interrupts and DMA.

(5) MUL/DIV -- X by D 16-bit MUL; FDIV and IDIV per 68HC11.

(6) 16-bit unary-operator shifts and INC/DEC.

(7) Bit instructions.

(8) Available as SOC core, like 6801 and 6805.

(9) Standard optional bank switching and/or segmentation.


16/32-bit 68/2809, with 32-bit index, stack, and PC registers, 16-bit Extended mode offset register, and paged memory management instead of bank switching. Moves op-codes around for efficiency, adds second 16-bit accumulator. Has 32-bit ADD, SUB, CMP, MUL, and FDIV and IDIV. Dedicated 64-byte spill/fill hysteric caches  for both stacks, dedicated 256-byte PC read-ahead cache, dedicated DP and page zero caches.


Basically the 68010 with improved timing; 32-bit offsets for indexing and branching; 32-bit multiply and divide; a system A6 register for system parameters; dedicated stack caches, 256 bytes for A6 and 64 bytes for A7, both user and system; dedicated 256 byte code cache for PC; 4K associative cache for other data; PEA that pushes on A6 or SEA that saves an effective address where the specified address register points.

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